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They spent the first day of their 7 day trip at the beach until 5 when it was time to get ready for the dinner. She was quiet and lost in her thoughts of what Bruce told her this morning.

"I think you might be pregnant. Maybe it's time to take a test."

Those words replayed in her head like a broken record all day.

When they got back to their rooms, Stas got ready in the bathroom. She didn't even have a test she could use. She was going to have to wait until the honeymoon or all the way back in New York.

"Wanda?" Stas called from the bathroom. Stassie was already in her slim all white jumpsuit with silver heels, necklace and hoop earrings with obviously her engagement ring.

"Yes, love, what do you nee- oh my god." Her hand flung to her face. "ANASTASIA you look absolutely stunning, gorgeous, amazing, beautiful- all of the above."

Laughing, she pulled Wanda into the bathroom with her and locked it. "Do you by any chance have any tests with you?"

"You finally pieced it together holy shit. Yes, silly I brought them. Do you want to take it now?"

"NO. No, uh no not now. Maybe after tonight is over? Or should I wait until after the wedding is over and take it on the honeymoon with Steve? No definitely not. Maybe-" Stas spoke getting more lost in her thoughts and stresses with every word.

"Hey, okay, let's worry about this at a time that isn't right now, huh? Sound good?" Wanda asked with a small smile.

"Yes. I'm going to go downstairs to the venue area and meet Steve there. I believe Coulson, Tony, Sam and Peter are down there already."

"That's perfect. I'll be down soon with Nat."

Stassie nodded and began to slowly walk away.

"Stas?" Wanda caught her attention gently making her best friend spin on her heels.

"I'm sure this is the one. Do not stress it okay?"

"You think so?"

Wanda nods and smiles with a nose scrunch. "I really do."

Everyone who needed to be at the rehearsal was there and cheerful. Music played in the background as they gathered, ate, and conversed about tomorrows events.

"I want to raise a toast." Peter grabbed a knife and tapped it onto his champagne glass.

Everyone looked over at him and the room grew with  silence.

Stassie and Steve sat next to each other at the end of the table so they could have perfect view of all those around them.

"As the man of honor, I have prepared a speech to the happy couple but also to my best friend. Not to single you out or anything." He chuckled.

"If anyone would've told me almost two years ago that I'd be the man of honor for Stassie and Steve's wedding, I would've bet my life that they were lying or plain old delusional."

That earned laughs and agreeable nods from everyone in the room.

"But the truth is, I have never ever seen a couple more fit and purely made for each other than you two. Since the moment Stas came back from that mission in Russia with you, Steve, she has never looked so happy in her life. Loving you makes her have this shine that hasn't lost its brightness once. Steve, never doubt for a minute that Anastasia loves you more than anything ever created."

Watching her best friend say these words caused her eyes to well up with tears.

"You two have taught everyone in this room how to love unconditionally, work through obstacles that come up down the road and to put someone else before you no matter the cost or efforts."

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