prepare for take off

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The clock on Steve's nightstand starts to go off 5:25 am. He gets up and uncovers himself with the blanket and finds his way to his door.

Steve turns the knob and slowly swings it open. He switched on the light in the hallway to get a better view on where he was going.

He goes past a few doors then stops in front of Stas' door. Steve noticed that she had left it open a crack so he could be able to just walk in and wake her up.

He stands in her doorway watching her sleep peacefully for a few seconds. He walks over to her bed and gently shakes her awake. "Anastasia time to wake up."

A light groan lets him know she's awake, just not too happy about it. He leaves her to get ready. Stas turns over and limply taps the bottom of her lamp to turn it on.

Today's the day.

She lingers into her bathroom washed her face, brushed her teeth and then jumped into the shower.

She proceeded to get out and dry herself to then put her long, soft, deep brown hair into a tight high ponytail.

Anastasia stared at herself in her body mirror against the corner in her bathroom. It was next to her white and grey marbled counter which held the sink on top and mini drawers underneath.

She stared at her 4 inch scar right above her pelvic area.

She hated seeing it but also couldn't look away. It's like seeing a bad accident on the highway.

It's so wrecked and horrible but yet you can't peel your eyes away from it. She's always hid it. It's what you get for not going along with Red Room missions when you are first put in.

Stassie wondered if Nat had one but never found the words and way to ask. She wasn't truly sure if she wanted to know either.

She slips into her suit that she left folded out on top of her white dresser. She was Black Ace. Still in front of the mirror she examined how she looked in her suit.

Every time she is always stunned about how she looked.

God she loved her suit. It made her feel like a total badass. She renters her bedroom and approximates towards her closet to grab her shoes.

Turning off any remaining lights in her bedroom, she closes the door pulling her two black suitcases alongside her.

"Hey stark" Stas turned around. There was Steve, emotionless with his navy blue suitcases tagging along with him. "Hi Rogers."

She could sense his upcoming attitude from a mile away.

Maybe he just wasn't a morning person. She turns back around and looks up to the clock on the hallway wall. 5:50 am.

She hears a door knob turning a few doors ahead of her. She continued walking after hearing an annoyed Steve.

" Are we just gonna stand here or are you gonna move". She sees a slim shadow walk out of the doorway. Nat.

"Hi Nat." Nat walks up to her reassuring her about her stamina for this mission.

"Stassie you've got this. I'm always a call away if you need anything."

"You really woke up just to tell me this?" Asks Stas tilting her head in confusion but smiling.

"Don't think too much of it, I'm going right back to bed once you walk out of this hallway." Laughed Nat.

A heavy sigh coming from America's poster boy behind them let's them know that it's time to go on.

They go up the elevator to the landing platform at the very top of the tower where they see the jet and Tony.

"Ugh Stas I know you're this little grown up and that you can handle yourself but I hate when you go on missions that I'm not assigned to. I hate not knowing if yourself safe every minute of the day." He says pulling her into a tight hug.

Her head reaches his shoulder so he places his head on top of her before planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Bye Tony, I love you!" She shouts over the noise as she approaches the jet.

Before Steve says bye and walks over to the jet as well, Tony tugs his arm. 

"That's my baby sister there" He gestures over to her climbing to the jet. "I cannot live this life without her, do you understand me?" He added sternly. "I don't care how many fights you two get into while you're out there. You watch her six, you hear me?"

Steve looks up about to say something. "I said do YOU hear ME" continued Tony.

"I got it. I got her. We're okay." "Alright well you two stay safe. Keep me and Fury in the loop and updated."

"Bye Tony." Steve waves giving a friendly smile while entering the jet.

Steve slides the jet door closed with it slamming at the very end. He places his things in a corner and takes a seat by the control panel door.

Stas does the same and takes a seat next to him.

She turns so she can face him and sits criss crossed. "So Stev- "

He cuts her off. "Anastasia please no. We're not friends. We will be friendly for this mission and watch out for one another, because that's just what we do. Okay?"

He turns towards her to face her. She looks perplexed and taken back, almost hurt. "I'm not taking pity on you because of what I found out last night.. of your past. Don't make this mission personal and we'll be set."

He turns back the other way. She sat for a few seconds in disbelief.

Did those words really leave his mouth?

She gets up angrily and stands in front of his seat. "Look at me." He doesn't budge. "I said look at ME." He looks up at her.

"You are the LAST person I need to pity me.  I didn't allow you to find out somewhat about my past to gain points with you.  I allowed it because you and your questions wouldn't stop."

He looks away and shakes his head and placed his hands in his lap.

"Please give me the respect I deserve and look at me what I'm speaking to you. We haven't even taken off in this jet yet and look at us. We're a mess. All because YOU and your EGO don't believe in me. You view me as Tony's little sister. The baby of Stark Industries. Well Cap, let me tell you something. You don't know me. I'm never gonna let you know me. I've worked damn hard to get where I am right now. I shouldn't have to prove myself to you. Hell for that fact, I shouldn't have to prove myself to anyone. I know what I'm capable of, and what i've gone through. YOU DON'T. We don't have to be friends. But at least give me the respect I deserve."

She lets out a big breath. He sits there stunned, as another wave of emotions takes over his face.

She sighs and happens to look out the window besides Steve, sees Peter running out the door to the platform. "Stas!! Stas!!"

"Oh my god Peter" she whispered to herself. "Please prepare for takeoff" stated the pilot. Just like that the jet starts to lift off the ground.

"Damn it Peter!"

Stassie throws herself onto a seat across the jet from Steve.

Steve noticed her frustration over her spill out to him and not being able to go down to Peter.

He wants to say something but he knows he can't string together the right words to make anything better.

Being silent was the only option.

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