bailey the bimmer

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*Smut warning🌶!*

Two weeks have flown by in their new home with ease. Scott and Sam's favorite room is the game room that has a pool table, arcade games, basketball mini hoops, and some other things they've been obsessed with.

Wanda and Stas have been in the theater room every night where they fall asleep and Steve and Scott carry them to their rooms.

Peter has been in the lab experimenting with new things while Bucky and Steve have been in the 6 car garage building new things.

Clint has sectioned off a portion of the large yard to teach Lila how to use a bow and arrow some days.

"Guys!! Meet me in the living room!" Stas said over the intercom. No more than three minutes later, everyone gathered in the room. Everyone, other than Steve.

"Okay, sooo I have an idea but it requires the help of everyone in this room. It's a fun one don't worry."

Scott got excited at the thought of a fun idea. "Well, don't make me pull it out of your mouth!! What's the idea!" Wanda exclaimed.

"Since Steve isn't here right now, I thought it was a perfect time to talk about his birthday coming up. I wanna do a surprise birthday kinda thing for July 4th. So any bbq plans you have for that day, I'm cancelling them right now for you." She laughed.

"And best girlfriend of the year goes toooo.." Sam said laughing in response. "No literally I agree. This is such an exciting idea! I call decorations." Wanda added.

"I'll be in charge of food. It'd be an honor." Scott insisted. "I'll help you do whatever you do." Peter suggested.

"Perfect, guys! Thank you so much. Bucky and Clint you guys be in charge of drinks. Should I invite Tony? I'm sending the invites out later and I don't know if I should."

"Do it. Put the ball back in his court. Then we'll see where he stands." Bucky replied as he took a bite of a plum, leaning against the side of the couch.

"Good point." Sam said pointing behind him to Bucky. "Also, Stassie girl I was assigned anything. I'll be taking invitation duty off your hands."

She giggled at the nickname from the Hamptons and nodded. "You got it."

They heard a garage door open indicating Steve just got back home. They all threw themselves on a sliver of the sofa and turned on the TV to act "casual".

Everyone had a seat and Wanda didn't have room so she sat on Scott's lap. Stas was left without a seat and she could hear Steve's footsteps and frantically looked around for a seat. Bucky pulled her down into his lap quickly.

"Thank you" She whispered trying not to laugh.

"Hey Stassie! I'm ho- You're all here, watching.. the netflix loading screen? Interesting choice, I guess." Steve said puzzled. "I think we need a bigger couch." He added laughing as he analyzed how squished everyone was.

"Hi, Rogers." Stas smiled. "Hi, baby." He said grunting as he put down a bag and squatted to pick up his girlfriend from Bucky's lap.

She remained bridal style in his arms. "I'm gonna borrow her for a little bit." He said to the group.

"Oh no no no. Please don't be loud." Peter stated with an alarmed expression.

Peter heard Stas giggle up the stairs in response to what he said. "Alright, I'm heading out. I've experienced that noise before and never again. Mmhm nope."

"If you're heading out Peter take my BMW! It's parked all the way to the right in the garage! Not a DENT or a SCRATCH, Parker!" She shouted up the stairs in Steve's arms.

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