old habits coming back?

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"Peter, can you just give us one second? I just have to talk to him about something."

Peter groaned. "Fine. Make it quick. I need my beer pong partner."

Stassie stared at him and laughed. "All of that commotion just for you to tell me that?"

"This is some serious shit we're talking about here, Stassie. The birthday people against everyone else? C'mon"

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec."

Peter walked out and shut the door.

"You were saying?" Phil continued with a chuckle.

"No one knows this, Coulson. Not a single person, well no one other than Steve."

"What's going on, kiddo?" His arms crossed and eyebrows creased.

"Well, we're thinking to take a break see how it goes, consider retiring if-"

"Hold up hold up hold up" He stopped her with his hand out. " Retiring? Stas, you're only just now 21 and that doesn't sound like you. You absolutely love what you do here, for us, for the people you live with and for all the people around the world who need you."

"You're right. I do love what I do, but Coulson, I want a family and to get married to my favorite person."

He was baffled. "Stassie, sweetheart, you can do all of those things while still having your career. I know how much you love Steve, okay? Don't do something you're going to regret. Look at your brother. He's married and expecting a child too. He's handling it all."

"Understood but it's different when it's a mother. He can be a father and still easily juggle everything else. When I start my family Coulson that's .. that's it for me."

"But that's what I'm trying to tell you. It's not the end for you. Okay, look at Nat. She's doing everything you want and still a part of the Avengers."

Oh. Stas didn't even think about that.

"Listen, kid all I'm saying is is that I know how much your work means to you. Don't let him talk you into something that you don't want."

He kissed her forehead and headed back into the compound and rejoined the party.

She stood there alone wondering if he was really right and had a point. What a way to sober up, huh.

Stassie took a deep breath and went back inside.

"There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you. The game starts right now and you're leading off with Parker." Sam dragged her to the beer pong table.

6 rounds of beer pong later against the best of the best or aka Peter and Anastasia, they won it all on their birthday.

Speakers were playing all of the best party songs you could think of while dancing, drinking and eating..lots of eating happened.

Rhodey made Stassie's favorite, buffalo chicken dip, just the sight of it made anyone's mouth water into a river.

Stassie walked up to him and gave him a big hug while stuffing a chip loaded with dip in her mouth.

"This might be my favorite gift ever." She motioned to the dip on the counter.

"I think this is the drunkest I've ever seen you." Rhodey laughed.

"hmmm?" She slurred, grabbing a spoon instead of a chip and getting more dip. "Oh my god!! It's Pursuit of Happiness! They're playing my song! I gotta go!" She hopped off the chair, and Bucky helped her up.

Was he sitting there all along? Doesn't matter. It's dance time.

She looked at him as he helped her onto her feet and she walked away.

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