disrespect vs respect

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*smut warning! This whole chapter is basically just spice!!*

Anastasia turned to Nat. "Is she staying here with us?"

Nat nodded still unable to shake the cheesy grin off her face.

"Lena, you have to tell me everything."

"I will I will." Yelena added. "I am a little tired, can the three of us meet for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Of course!" Nat and Stas agreed.

They shared another long and compressed hug before Nat left the room to go to sleep.

"I've missed you so much. I could never express it into words. You were my first friend. You've always been my little sister." Stas mumbled into Yelena's hug.

Yelena pulled away and wiped her tears along with Stassie's. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, okay?"

Yelena smiled and waved as she exited the room and closed the door.

Steve looked at his girlfriend who was evidently still going through the motions and processing what just happened.

"I've had dreams where she comes back. Never thought it would actually ever happen." She smiled, still watching the door that Yelena closed.

Steve smiled and walked up to her smaller body and wrapped his arms around her. "I can't believe she's home." Stas said into Steve's chest.

After a few seconds, he lightened up his grip on her and she stopped him. "No no wait. Just- just keep holding me for a little bit, please."

He immediately took back his position and swayed them slightly. His head rested on the top of hers while her ear was pressed against his chest. She listened to the song of his heartbeat.

Who knew someone's heartbeat could be someone's favorite song?

A pause.

"Steve?" She spoke.


"It's okay if I go to breakfast with them right? I'll be back after to pack for the trip with you." She promised.

"You can be out with them all day, if you need. I can pack for you." He suggested, still swaying her.

"Are you sure?"

"I have you to myself for a week. You take tomorrow and be out with Nat and Yelena. You need it." Steve rubbed her head, losing his fingers in her dried salt watered hair.

She looked up at him and kissed him slowly and softly.

"Didn't I promise you something earlier?" She remembered.

"I think you did, but we don't have to if you don't want."

"I always want. How about you, Captain?"

He smirked. "Always. Shower or bed?"

"Ooo. What a question." She giggled. "I vote for both."

Steve picked her up by her thighs and carried her to the sink counter.

He took off his shirt and hers. Anastasia admired the view in front of her as Steve's hand found the back of her bikini top and untied it.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled noticing her gaze.

"Mmhm." He pulled off her top and started kissing her from her collarbone to her chest.

His hands unbuttoned her shorts and he took them off swiftly.

Steve walked away and turned on the shower to a warm setting and Stas bit just the edge of her bottom lip as she studied him.

"C'mon, love." He ordered as he got into the shower and slipped off his trunks.

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