happy birthday, Rogers pt1

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*smut warning!🌶*
Flash forward a little bit and today is Steve's birthday. Everyone was back home doing their assigned tasks for the surprise tonight while Stas was out with Steve the whole day to keep him out of the house.

"The pancakes here are so good!" Stas said taking another bite that was covered in chocolate chips.

"See, I told you." He chuckled while watching his girlfriend eat like a child. "Come here." He laughed as she leaned towards him so he could wipe excess chocolate off her lips.

"Thank you for my birthday breakfast." He smiled as he lifted mug of coffee to his mouth.

"Of course! This is just the beginning, I have so much more planned." She gushed. "Oh and I have your gift back at the house waiting for you later." She grinned.

"Stassie, I told you not to get me anything."

"No no, trust me you're going to love it." She stated excitedly.

"I know you're a Red Sox fan so I, as a Yankee fan, bought tickets for the 1 o'clock game." She smirked.

"No you didn't. You're kidding!" He grinned.

"Nope! We should actually go now so we can find some parking." She said while paying the breakfast bill.

"Yea sure! Let me pay that." He offered while trying to take it out of her hands.

"Yea, no. No way I'm letting you pay on your own birthday. You just sit there and keep looking pretty." She giggled.

He shook his head and laughed. "I hate you."

"You love me." She smirked.


"HA! In your face, Rogers! I'll tell ya, extending Judge and LeMahieu was one of the best things the Yanks did!" She gushed as they left the stadium gates when the game finished.

"Yea yea whatever." He laughed watching Stas jump as her favorite team just blew out his team.

She looked at her phone and the time was 4:50. She needed to distract him a little longer, at least until 5:30.

She was trying to think of places or things she could take him to. They already ate in the stadium, so that was out of her options.

"Ooo! Let's go get ice cream!" She said as they reached her parked car.

He smiled and nodded in agreement. "Serendipity?" He offered.

Her heart kind of sank as she heard his suggestion. She couldn't go there with Steve. There was just too much wrong with it. She had gone with Bucky there the night they thought something would begin with them.

How could she possibly go back with anyone else there, especially Steve?

"I'm thinking more of Amorino's?"

"Even better."

Once they drove over and got their ice cream it was perfect timing to head back home. Just in case she texted Peter.

Stassie♠️: Hey Parker, all good? I'm gonna start heading back home.
Peter🕷: All good here, Stassie. Most guests are here already. Also, Tony showed up.

She internally groaned. They hadn't spoken since that phone call of theirs a few weeks ago.

She turned to her right as Steve completely devoured his ice cream and was patiently waiting for her to turn on the car. Her jaw dropped and she cackled as she noticed how quickly he had eaten.

"I'm assuming it was good?"

"So so good."

"Alright, babe. Let's go home and eat dinner there later with the others, okay?"

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