chasing a decision

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Stassie's POV:
"Oh boy." "What was that?" Carter replied. "Nothing." I already didn't like her snarky attitude. She was pretty though. Radiant blonde. Stood tall. Confident. Just didn't like how she watched Steve.

Now, he wasn't mine, but why does Carter have to look at him like he's hers. "Steve. Hi! I'm here to talk to you about the mission. Fury sent me. Are you free to talk outside.. maybe over a cup of coffee." Steve turned to me and turned back.

"I'm okay with staying here. Take a seat ma'am."

 He gestured over to the open chair next to him. "Please, call me Sharon." Something about the way she said her name too bothered me.

Was I jealous? No. Can't be. These feelings aren't that strong. Right? Steve sat up in the bed as did I. I used the remote on the side to sit the bed up as well.

"Are you sure you want to discuss business with her in here?" Sharon stated. I raised an eyebrow ready to speak back at her attitude. 

"Yes. I'm sure. Something tells me she should listen to this. Also. I'd appreciate if you didn't speak of her like that. Thank you."

I felt my face get red. I look at Steve who was now holding my hand caressing my thumb. Sharon caught a glimpse of our hands. Clearly she didn't like the sight. She cleared her throat and began speaking. "Winter Soldier. It's what they call him."

"Listen, with all due respect, Sam told me everything. I thought I just needed to tell you a yes or no." 

"Well yes but I thought maybe you'd want to talk too. Maybe another time."

 "Yes, another time." "I see. I'll leave these files here for you." "It was great finally meeting you ,Steve."

Steve forced a smile and nod in response. I look at her and she looks back at me. "It was great to meet you too Sharon!" "You have the same personality as your brother." She states hastily before walking out the room.

Sharon shuts the door and I look at Steve. "She's a.. treat." "Yea. She's something." We looked at each other for a moment. His eyes were looking at mine but I could tell his mind was somewhere else.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He was too far off into his thoughts to hear me. I repeated myself. "Steeeeve. Earth to Steve." I said as I waved my free hand in front of his face. He came back to reality. "Oh. Sorry. What were you saying?"

"Whatcha thinking about?" "Nothing. She uh. Sharon just resembles her." "Oh." He looked at the watch on his hand and noticed it was now about 12 pm. "I better get going." "Where you headed Capsicle?" "I'll be back, Stark. Shouldn't be out too long." He drops my hand as he shuffles himself out of the bed.

He fixes the blanket on my slim body before kissing my forehead goodbye. Something was off. I couldn't tell what it was but there was something different. He left in almost a hurry. I picked up my phone and decided to text Peter to ask if he wanted to come up.

Stassie ♠️: Hey Parker, I'm bored. Wanna come visit? I'm on bed rest until tomorrow.
Spidey boy 🕷: Definitely. Give me a few. Just studying. Want Nat to come up too?
Stassie♠️: Sure. Why not. :)

Moments later, Sam walks in. "Hey little Stark."

 "Heyy." "I didn't get to talk much with you earlier. So I thought I'd stop by again." He says while sitting in the empty chair that he dragged to my side of the bed. 

"You know.." He began. "I can't seem to shake the sight of you and Steve coming through that portal. Blood everywhere. Him holding your practically lifeless body stunned us all. We were scared. We didn't know what to think. We were all a mess. We all played the waiting game on you differently." He let out a small laugh.

"How do you mean?" "Your brother stayed in here the majority of the time. He couldn't leave your side. He didn't want to. He ate here, that is when he chose to eat. He read to you while you were in your mini coma. He played some AC/DC. He thought it would help." We both laughed.

"That's why I had "Back In Black" stuck in my head when I woke up huh." 

"Peter and Nat slept in your room. It's where they felt closest to you. Steve was frantically making grilled cheeses. He just wouldn't stop. He also barely left his room. He didn't talk to anyone until you woke up. It was..quiet. Extremely quiet without you around."

 "I'm sorry." "Hey." He sat up in the chair. Almost offended I had apologized.

"No need to be sorry. You did what you had to do."

 "Where's Steve by the way? I thought this room was his new home." He joked. "I'm actually not too sure. He kinda ran out of here after Sharon left."

 "Sharon? Carter? She was here?" Sam questioned.

"Yea. I guess Tony let her in or something."

 "Interesting." His eyes met the files on the table. He grabbed them. "Is this what she brought?" "Yea, I was actually going to look at that."

 "Look at what?" Peter voice entered the room.

"Hey Parker!!" "Hi Stassie!" I patted the open space next to me in the bed so he could sit. He sat down and hugged me gently. I could tell he still thought I was fragile and didn't want to hurt me. I hugged back tighter as an indicator that it was okay.

"How've you been?" "I've missed you Stas."

 "Aw spidey boy, I've missed you too." "So no more bed rest after today, huh?" Peter mentioned. 

"No more bed rest?" Sam intervened.

"Isn't it a bit early. It's only been a few days since the incident." 

I tighten my lips and forced a smile. He was right. It's something I've thought about myself, to be honest. I'm not dumb. I just want to go on this mission with Steve. "It's okay. Bruce says my charts look good enough." By the look on Sam's face I could tell he was catching on. 

"You wanna go on this. Don't you?" He stated holding up the files.

 "I- What? Me? No. That looks scaaaarrryy." I nervous laughed.

"What is that?" Peter examined the beige files. "What is this? This is what Anastasia isn't joining." She rolled her eyes at the full first name moment. "I'm gonna do my best to go on that mission that's it. Final."

 "Over my dead body." Nat's voice was heard by the three of them. She continued. 

"You've must've lost your goddamned mind if you think your going on that. Look at you." She gestures to the bruises, wound, tubes and wires on me.

"We almost lost you on the last case. We're not risking it again." 

"Oh. OKAY! So you're allll just perfectly fine with Steve going at this mission alone? What IF we lose HIM? HUH? I keep hearing how dangerous and cold this case is but you guys don't seem to care that he's going at this alone." 

"He can manage." Peter added. 

"But I can't?" I looked at him confused.

"No one is saying you can't manage but Steve isn't the one with a gaping wound at his side and almost died." Sam also added. I scoffed. 

I understood what they were saying but I was frustrated. "I'm sorry." I looked at the three of them. Peter put his head on my shoulder.

"We get this hasn't been easy for you. Okay? We get it." Nat stated. "But hey! At least you can finally leave this room tomorrow! You can hang out with us and ease back into the groove!"

The four of them laughed, caught up with one another, joked and spent the rest of the afternoon together in that room.

Steve's POV:
As I jogged out of the tower I examined for a tall lady with blonde hair. There she was. Walking towards a blackout out car. "Sharon!" I grabbed her attention. She turned and grinned. "Can we speak?"

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