"just friends"

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Later that day-
Steve returns back to the tower after grabbing two boxes of chocolate chip little bites, some raspberries and a chocolate covered strawberries box from Edible Arrangements.

"Whatcha got there, Cap?" questioned Sam who watched Steve enter the lobby doors. Lifting up the bags into his view Steve replies " I grabbed some snacks for a movie recovery night with Stas."

"Aww you and Stassie night! How cuuute. Dude. I just can't seem to get over how not even two weeks ago you guys couldn't be in the same room without fighting and now you're all lovey dovey." Sam smirked.

"We're not lovey dovey Wilson. We're just friends. Sure. I like her but she doesn't feel the same way. I think she likes Mr.Alligator. Where you headed by the way?"

"I'm out to meet with all the guys except Peter, Scott and Tony. Tony is out on a date with Pepper, Scott went with Cassie somewhere and Peter is studying in his room."

"Sounds good. Bye Wilson." "Bye Rogers."

The two headed separate ways and Steve entered the elevator. Steve was excited about his movie night with Stas and he hasn't been able to get her out of his thoughts all day.

He felt horrible about their little misunderstanding earlier and had been dying to make it up to her. He had her snacks ready but he didn't think it was enough.

He entered the tower and went down the hallway that contained all the bedrooms. He opened hers and grabbed her blanket and dog pillow pet and decided to bring it up to her when he was ready.

It was 5pm and a little too early for a movie night in his opinion so Steve decided to wait around for a little.

He walked down the hall to Peter's bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Come in?" Peter confusingly responded to the light knocks on the door behind him. "Hey Peter." "Oh hey Steve. What's up?"

Peter turned around on his chair that was at his desk. "Nothing. Just trying to waste some time before I go up to Stas."

"Ohh. Did you grab anything for tonight on your outing?"

"Yep. The little bites, raspberries and chocolate covered strawberries."

"You're gonna make her fall in love with you!" Joked Peter.

That's the plan. Thought Steve. He was blushing and smiling to himself.

"Rogers am I seeing things or is your face turning red?"

"WHAT no no. I think your spidey senses are off."

"Very funny."

"So.. um. I was wondering if you could answer a question I had about Stassie?"

"Sure, Cap" "Does she like Loki?" Peter stared at him blankly for a few seconds and then blurted out laughing.

"What- What's so funny?" "YOU think SHE likes LOKI! HAHAHA! Cap are you stupid? They're just friends who flirt because they're bored but care about each other just not in that way. She's the 1/2 of Loki's family. He loves her just not like that. She understands her place in his life and she's been content with it for years."

"Are you positive?" "Super positive. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering since they're been flirty and he's been spending a lot of time up on the med floor with her." Peter smiles and shakes his head.

"You've got nothing to worry about Cap." "If you say so." Steve got up from sitting on the edge of Peter's bed and advanced towards the door.

He swings himself around to talk to Peter once again. "Hey. Um promise me you won't tell her."

"Tell her what?"

"That I feel a certain way about her."

"Ohhhh that. Don't worry your secret's safe with me."

Steve was hesitant to believe him. "I don't care if it gets to the point where you have to web your own mouth shut. Don't tell her. Please."

"Oh lord I know I know. Why are you so scared of her finding out anyways?"

"Because I know she doesn't feel the same and I don't wanna end up pushing her away and lose her."

"Lose her? I promise you, she's not leaving your side. Ever." Steve smirked and giggled at the thought of that. "Alright well thank you spidey boy."

"Bye Cap!"

He shouted as Steve walked out and closed the door behind him. He turned around in the hallway as her heard heels tapping away on the marble floor and high pitched laughs.

"Hey old man!" Nat stated as they turned the corner into the hallway.

"Hey Nat and Wanda. Where are you guys going?"

"Oh we're just going to have a shopping spree and get some stuff that Stas may need then grab dinner." "That's nice.

" "Yea. Wait. Why aren't you with all the guys? Didn't they all go out tonight?" Wanda realized.

"Yea but I'm staying in tonight. I have plans with Stas." The word "aww" filled the hallway by the two ladies.

"Oh hush were just friends."

"Just friends don't stay awake the whole night awaiting for updates on one another. Just friends don't get jealous over other people. Just friends don't plan cute movie nights. Sooo Cap I don't think you're just friends." Winked Wanda.

"Again, just friends."

"Yea yea whatever you say. Anyways, we're gonna head out now so have fun old man."

"Will do." He gathered everything together and went into the elevator to the med floor.

here we go.

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