oh joy.

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later on that morning

Stas wakes up hoping that what had previously happened had been a bad dream.

The empty suitcases she had taken out and left beside her dresser before she fell back asleep, told her that it in fact wasn't a dream at all.

She uncovers herself with her Ugg fuzzy white blanket and walks over to Peter's room feeling defeated.

She knocks on his door with their special passcode knock so that the other knows who it is at the door.

It has always been two knocks at the very top of the door and an extra knock right in the middle of the door.

"Come in Stas!" She swings open the door "Peter I want to scream and punch something."

"Uh I- I can assist you down to the training room and you can hash out your anger there."

She throws herself dramatically onto his bed next to him. She looks over to her right and sees Peter with a complexed look on his face.

"Stas.. are you gonna tell me what's wrong orrr am I supposed to know already"

She laughs and puts her two hands behind her head resting on the pillow.

"Peter, you won't BELIEVE what happened to me this morning." She then explains and breaks down the situation to him with her hands flying around as she does in frustration.

"Stassie you know I'm always on your side.. no matter what. However, Tony may be right about this one. This could be good for you two."

"If I hear that come out of one more persons mouth Im jumping off this tower"

Their conversation gets interrupted by a girls voice standing in the doorway.

"If you hear what one more time?" Stas removes her eyes from Peter and looks over to her left this time.

"WANDA!! You're back!" She leaps off the bed and runs with open arms to Wanda.

Giggling, Wanda returns her hug. Stas pulls away from the hug and starts to bombard her with questions and other things.

"How was your mission?! So does this mean Vision is back here too?! Did anything crazy happen?! Ugh Wanda Peter, Nat and I missed you so much."

"Haha! The mission was completed successfully, and yes Vis is back too. He's down stairs catching up with Sam, Tony and Bruce as we speak.

Not too many crazy things happened, but while we were gone, um I-" Stas and Peter take notice that Wanda's face had turned to a light pink with red hues.

"Wandaaa?" Says Peter smirking. "Wanda oh my gosh! You like Vis! Aww!"

"Shhh say it any louder would ya!" hushed Wanda. "But I did indeed missed you, Peter and Nat."

"NO don't go changing the subject you have to tell us all about this little fling of yours!"

Right after the words left her mouth, the beep of the intercom in Peter's room stopped Wanda from saying much else.

"Stas please go pack for the mission then come down to the meeting room with Steve for mission details and objectives" it was Jarvis' voice.

"Oh joy." stated Stas with dispassionate emphasis.

"Mission? With Steve? Oh lord let me help you pack so you don't drive yourself insane before you even leave." added Wanda.

They say bye to Peter and proceed to walk out his room and back down the hall towards Stas' room.

Nat greets them in the hallway as she had been meaning to walk to Stas' room to hang out.

Nat and Wanda get excited to see each other and start jumping around.

"Guyss!! C'mon let's go pack before I hear Tony and Capsicle's attitude about me not being ready and downstairs"

They walk into her room, "okay Stas, let's get all your clothes together from your dresser and put them into these suitcases."

Wanda and Nat walk over to her dresser to help get clothes together. They open her bottom drawer which reveals her blacked out suit.

"Ahh Black Ace" Stas looks and walks over "Hey give me that" She takes hold of her skin fitted suit that had a ace of spades right on the belt.

The only color on her suit was the bright red "A" for Avengers on the left sleeve.

"I know you two are badass trained assassins and I know Nat's story like the back of my hand but.. you Stas.. I don't completely know yours. Wanna talk about it? I- I mean you don't have to, I was just wondering."

Nat takes notice of Stas' hidden face while she was looking down at her suit.

Nat knows Stas better than anyone on this planet so she knew that this topic wasn't something she wanted to speak on.. at least not yet.

"Wanda maybe that's a story for another time." conveyed Natasha. 

30 minutes of the girls packing and talking about whatever came to their mind go by and they finish.

" Well girls, thank you very much! This definitely would've taken me an extra 45 minutes if i had done this by myself" said a very giddy Stas.

She brushes away a strand of her long way brunette hair. Three grumbling stomachs overcame the noise in the room.

The three look up laughing. "Let's go down stairs and eat and then I can go straight to the meeting room"

"Perfect idea" A smiling Wanda, Nat and Stas went down the stairs and into the kitchen attached to the grand living room.

"WANDAA!!" Screamed Scott. "You're back!" " Oh hell. I'm not waiting for her to eat anymore" Stas looks over at Nat.

"I'm eating now with or without you"  A humorous smug facial expression took her over.

Laughing, Nat and Stas walked over to the white Marble waterfall counter top, ready to make some breakfast.

25 Minutes go by and they were done eating. Still both seated at the countertop, they look across the living room and see Wanda and Scott sitting and still catching up.

"It's a good thing we got ourselves sustenance when we did or we'd still be starving" stated Nat.

Both giggling, Stas flips her phone over to check the time. It was 11:25 am.

Getting up from her seat she collects her plate and Nat's plate and walks over to the sink.

"Well this was fun, but I better go to the meeting room."

"Alrighty well I'll be around if you need me." She walks away and into the meeting room at the same time Steve does.

Oh joy.

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