deja vu

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Bucky was the first to rush in since he was the only one upstairs.

"What the hell is going on in her- Oh my god. Stasia, what the fuck happened?" Bucky said walking in from the bedroom to the bathroom.

"I don't know! Get Bruce NOW!"

Bucky sprinted down the stairs and outside to get Bruce and the others.

Meanwhile upstairs in the bathroom, Stas was in and out of consciousness in Steve's arms.

"I'm going to be okay right?" Stas said in between breaths.

"Yes my love. You'll be just fine." Steve said shakily before kissing the top of her forehead.

The extremely loud stomps and footsteps up the stairs told Steve that Bruce was now here along with the others.

Bruce ran into the bathroom and gasped as he saw the sight.

"What the hell happened? Wasn't she just fine a few minutes ago?" Bruce spoke rapidly as he rushed to her side.

"I DON'T KNOW." Steve shouted in frustration.

"Peter, show me the way to the lab and medical room, now!" Bruce said picking Stassie up.

As Peter and Bruce rushed out of the room, the rest stood there frozen in shock as to what just occurred. Steve was at a loss of words with his mouth opened slightly.

"Steve?" was echoing in Steve's mind as the others were speaking to him. He wasn't ignoring them on purpose, he just couldn't believe what was happening.

"Steve!" Bucky shook his shoulder.

"Yes?" He exhaled shakily.

"What happened?" Wanda asked looking at the mess in the bathroom with a hand on her mouth.

"I have no clue. I left her in bed to go say goodnight to you guys and then I come back and she's kneeling and hugging the toilet." Steve said not making eye contact with anyone.

A few moments of silence went on and Sam's facial expression went from worried to 'wait a minute'.

"You look like you know something. Want to share with the class?" Clint asked Sam.

"When I handed her the uh the cake earlier, she got like a super sharp pain at her side that made her wince. I didn't think anything of it because she said she was fine." Sam replied.

"Was it her left side?" Bucky asked curiously.

"Yea, actually."

"She was squeezing her left side when she fell asleep on me." Bucky said looking at Steve.

"She did just tell me her side hurt, but what the hell. I thought it was completely healed?" Steve sighed in disbelief.

"Who's going to wake up Tony to tell him?" Nat bit her lip scanning everyone in the room and bathroom.

"I'll do it. Less chance of him flipping out on you guys." Rhodey revealed.

He left the room, and walked all the way down stairs to one of the rooms that he knew Tony fell asleep in.

Meanwhile upstairs they started to help Steve clean up. "Poor girl doesn't get a break." Scott frowned.

"She really doesn't." Wanda sniffled.

Nat noticed that Steve began to pace back and forth in the bathroom.

"I got this. We'll clean up and you go to the lab and stay with Peter, Bruce and Stassie. Peter could use some comfort. I'm sure of it." Nat assured with a comforting smile to Steve.

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