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I sighed as I closed the studio's door. I had been cooped up in there for the past few hours. It has been a hectic time since ShadyXV dropped. I haven't been home much and therefor I haven't been able to spend much time with the family.

I walked through the house looking for everyone, but couldn't find them anywhere. I made it down to the basement and smiled at the picture before me. All my babies curled up under blankets watching a movie. Max and Whit were sharing the long couch while Kylie was curled up on the chair with the blanket pulled up to her chin.

I walked in further and put my hands on the back of the chair Kylie was in and bent over to kiss her head. She turned her head up and smiled at me. God damn that smile was gorgeous.

"Hey baby." I smiled back at her.

"Shhh Dad, I'm watching Shrek." Max said scowling at me. I sucked in my bottom lip to not laugh at him. My eyes turned back to Kylie when she let out a soft giggle.

"Hey yo Whit? You got your things together?" I asked her and got yet another scowl from Max. Whit looked up at me and nodded. "You wanna drive with baby?" I asked bending down as Kylie lifted her head for a kiss. She had the softest and sweetest lips.

"Hmmm. Let me just get our coats." She said with her eyes still closed. I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I'll wait for you in the car." I said and she nodded. I turned to leave just as Kylie and Max started to argue. I shook my head as I made my way up the stairs. We're going to have our hands full with Max. He was just like me, well the Marshall part of me, lets hope he doesn't have any of Slim Shady's traits, if he does, we are so fucked.

I put my coat on and made my way to the garage. I smiled at my new ride. Kylie didn't get why I wanted the new Escalade and said it was unnecessary, yet I didn't hear her complaining when she drove it. On the contrary, she wanted one now too. I pulled the car up to the front door just as they made their way through the door.

"I am so over this damn cold." Kylie said putting the hood of her coat on her head and pulling the coat tighter around her. I smiled at her. She looked so fucking adorable. I reached for the heat and put it a little higher. She sighed and relaxed into her seat once all the doors were closed. "Tha's better."

"Daddy?" I glanced in the rear view mirror as I pulled away. "Why must Whit go back to Aunt Kim?" Max asked sadly.

"Because Aunt Kim is Whit's mom and she lives there." I said to him and Max frowned, glancing from Whit to me.

"But you are her Daddy too and I stay with you so why can't Whit?" He asked and I chuckled and stole a glance at Kylie who was smiling at Max.

"Because I'll miss my mommy, Max. But I'm coming to stay over again soon." Whitney said to him giving him a hug. The rest of the drive was filled with the music coming from the stereo. The muscles in my thigh tensed when Kylie placed her hand on it. I grabbed her hand, brought it up to my lips and then rested it back on my thigh.

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