Having a sick day

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Chapter 49

"Ok class, since it Friday and you guys kept your promise to me that you would be good." I said stopping as I felt a sneeze coming on. I covered my nose with my worn out tissue and turned away as I sneezed. The children giggled.

"Bless you Miss Donovan." They all said in unison.

"Aw thank you guys." I said smiling as I wiped my nose. "Now what was I saying? Ah yes, since you guys were so good, and we finished all our work for the week, today you guys can have a drawing day." They all cheered and I smiled at them but had to turn away quickly to sneeze again.

"Are you ok Miss Donovan?" Amber, one of the clever girls in the front asked as she fixed her glasses on her nose.

"I think I might have some allergies, but I'm ok thank you Amber." I smiled and then called for the class's attention. "Well you guys may sit with your friends, but on one condition. You don't make a noise and too much of a mess." I said pointing a finger at the class.

"Ok Ma'am." They all said with the cutest smiles on their faces. Today we had a half day for who knows what reason, I wans't complaining though. I went to sit by my desk and almost collapsed on my arms. I've been feeling off since yesterday and to top it off I've started to sneeze now too. My nose was going to look like Rudolf's by the end of the day.

"Miss Donovan?" I looked up from my desk to the door to see the new secretary, or she's just assisting for a couple days.

"Yeah?" I asked and she smiled as she came in.

"There's a call for you in the office." She said as she waved at the class. The kids really seemed to like her a lot.

"Uh do you know who it's from?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I got up from my chair.

"He wouldn't say. Just said it was kind of urgent." She shrugged and that got me a little worried. Who would be calling me at school saying it was a little urgent.

"Do you mind keeping an eye on them while I take the call please?" I asked her and she smiled and shook her head.

"Not at all. Take your time." I smiled her as a thank you and then left my classroom. I made it to the office and waved and smiled at Hilda, who was our office lady. She smiled and nodded to the phone.

"Kylie Donovan speaking. How can I help you?" I asked into the phone a little nervous.

"Have I ever told you how fucking sexy you sound when you're being all professional?" I rolled my eyes and turned my back on Hilda so that she doesn't see the idiotic grin and blush I had.

"Should have known only you would say it's kind of urgent when you obviously just want to make fun of me somehow." I said and let out a sigh. I heard Marshall chuckle over the line but then cleared his throat.

"You got me there Ky, but it is kind urgent ya know?" I get worried all over when he said that.

"Why? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked him panicked and I bet he was rolling his eyes at me. "Hold on." I said moving away from the phone so that I can yet again sneeze. "Sorry bout that." I said sniffling a bit.

"Bless you." He said with a small chuckle. "And chill dawg, nothing happened. Just needed to ask you something."

"Did you just call me dawg?" I asked him while raising my eyebrows, not that he could see it.

"For sure homie." Ok that got a little giggle out of me but I felt eyes on me so I cleared my throat and waited for Marshall to carry on. "Can you maybe come over later? The girls are sick and I need help with them." I said in a tired voice as he sighed.

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