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Chapter 41

"And who's this pretty little girl?" I asked as I stepped inside of Marshall and Kim's place. I have been invited over for dinner by Kim, surprisingly.

"Do you like my dress Ky?" Hailie asked me as she twirled in her pretty dress that she had on.

"Are you kidding me? I love it. You look like a pretty little princess." I said giving her a hug once I crouched down to her level.

"I'm a flower girl." She said with that absolutely gorgeous smile of hers. I smiled back and picked her up.

"You are?" She nodded her head with excitement. "Wow, that's so awesome. I bet you going to be the prettiest little girl there."

"Hailie?" We both looked towards the kitchen where Kim came from. "Oh hey Kylie." She smiled at me and I smiled back before she turned to scowl at Hailie. "Hailie didn't mommy tell you to take that dress off?" Hailie's face dropped and she nodded sadly.

"Ah don't worry Hai-Hai, you'll be able to wear it again soon." I said trying to comfort her. She nodded and sniffled a little. Kim smiled at Hailie and nodded at her too.

"Kylie, will you please go help her. Marshall quickly ran to the store and the food's still on the oven?" Kim asked me and I smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing Kim." I then looked at Hailie and scrunched up my face at her, making her giggle. "Come on Hailie, lets go change your clothes." Hailie nodded and played with a lock of my hair. Ever since she was little she liked doing that.

I helped her take off her flower girl dress and then she decided she wanted to wear a navy blue shirt like I had on and a jean.

"Look Ky. We match." She said giggling as she pointed at me.

"We do? Wow look we match Hailie." I acted surprised and then we laughed together as we walked hand in hand back to the lounge.

"Daddy!" Hailie called as she saw her dad walk into the house with Lainie in his arms. He put Lainie down in time to catch Hailie and give her a hug and kiss. Lainie came running over to me and wrapped her arms around my legs and I bent down to give her a hug and kiss.

"There's my baby." He coed in a gruff voice as he blew raspberries on her cheek.

"Look Daddy. I'm matching Ky." Hailie said excitedly as she points to me. Lainie and I look up at them and then Marshall smiles at me.

"I see that baby. Go play with your toys." Marshall said putting Hailie back down.

"Come on sissy, lets go play with our dollies." Hailie said to Lainie as she took her hand and the two ran off. I smiled after them and shook my head at how incredibly cute they were.

"You look tired." I said as I walked into the kitchen with Marshall. He gave me a tired smile and shrugged. "You should really get some rest before you go on tour Marshmallow."

"Yeah I know. I will. I just have all these ideas swimming around in my head and you know me Ky." He said walking over to Kim and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I looked away and then walked over to the basin for a glass of water.

The night was pretty chilled since we just laughed and had a good time. I still can't believe that I was having a good time with Kim. I still don't get how she can be so nice one moment and the next she's a total bitch. Maybe it was the fact that there weren't too many people trying to take the attention off of her. Who knows.

All in all dinner was good. Marshall seemed to relax a little and the girls were just too cute. They danced and sang to whatever came on the TV and we had a good laugh. I helped Kim clean up the kitchen and then decided to call it a night. On request by the girls I had to tuck them in first and then I was only allowed to go. Marshall thought it was funny how easily they had me under their spell. Yeah till the say jump daddy and he asks how high and how many times. Ass.

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