Not again

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Chapter 12

"Motherfucker it's cold." I mumbled as we stepped out of the house. I pulled my coat tighter around my body and pulled my hood up.

"Did you just?" Proof asked with wide eyes as he opened the car door.

"Did I just what?" I asked him confused as I got in the back seat.

"Did you just say motherfucker?" He asked as he turned in his seat to face me. I blushed slightly and then nodded. "Holy shit Ky. What happened to you?" He asked chuckling.

"You guys happened to me. Before you guys came along I was a polite lady and now.." I trailed off as I rubbed my hands together to warm them up.

"Please, before we came along you were a little lonely girl that was afraid and shy of her own shadow." Marshall said glancing at me in the rear view mirror as he drove away. I gave him a sarcastic smile and flipped him off. He shook his head and chuckled at that.

"So Ky, how's New York?" Proof asked as he lit a blunt. I smiled and shook my head at that.

"It's ok I guess." I said with a shrug.

"Have any pretty friends over there?" Proof asked wiggling his eyebrows at me. I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

"And what about Mindie?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"She don't got to know." He said winking and I shook my head.

"Do you have a boyfriend back in New York?" My eyes darted to Marshall. He glanced at me in the rear view mirror for a spit second. That was an odd question and if he had I would tell him first. I tell him everything.

"Oh yeah. I didn't tell you?" I asked him and his jaw tensed as his hands tightened on the steering wheel. He shook his head without even sparing me a glance.

"Are you ok dawg?" Proof asked him with an amused smile.

"I'm fine." Marshall snapped and Proof glanced at me and I covered my mouth to stop from giggling. "What's so funny?" Marshall asked annoyed.

"I'm just fucking with you Marshall." I giggled as I reached for the blunt from Proof. Ok yeah I know I said I won't get high and drunk tonight, but hey cut a girl some slack.

"You're what?" Marshall asked with a frown as he turned in his seat to look at me. I sat forward in my seat and blew the smoke out as he inhaled some of it.

"I said I'm fucking with you Marshmallow. I don't have a boyfriend. Besides if I had one, you'd be the first to know." I smiled and took another drag before Marshall took the blunt from me and took a drag. He exhaled and seemed to relax a little more.

"Well we're here. I'll see you guys inside." Proof said grabbing the blunt and getting out of the car. I got out the car and was about to walk up the steps when Marshall grabbed my hand and pulled me to him.

"Sorry I snapped earlier. I just uh thought you kept something from me." He said as he held onto my wrist with one hand and rubbed the back of his neck with the other hand.

"I'll never keep anything from you Marshmallow. You're my best friend and the first person I think of when something happens or when I when I have to tell someone something." I smiled at him as I put my hand on his cheek. He smiled and nodded.

"Beside's, I need to meet him first before he will ever be able to be your boyfriend, whoever he is." Marshall said and I giggled at that.

"I love you Marshmallow." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the house that was pounding with music. The house was filled with drunk and high people dancing and making out. We weaved through all the people in the lounge that was made into a make shift dance floor.

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