Wel needed fun

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Chapter 2

I woke up from something, or should I rather say someone, knocking on my bedroom window. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms above my head as the knocking continued. I frowned and pushed my covers from my body. I walked to my window and pulled my curtain back a bit with a frown.

"Marshall?" I asked confused as I stared into his blue eyes. He pointed to my window then pointed up as in to tell me to open it. I did what he asked but kept on frowning. Once the window was open he shoved his hands in his baggy jeans pockets.

"Hey." He said and glanced around.

"Uh hey?" I asked more than said.

"So I was wondering if you were up." He said looking back at me.

"I am now." I said putting my hands behind my back. His eyes scanned my tank top clad torso and I went red under his gaze. I covered myself with my arms as best I could and looked at the ground. He cleared his throat and I looked up at him to find him with a blush over his cheeks too.

"Sorry about that. Wanna go hang out somewhere?" He asked and I glanced over my shoulder to my door.

"Let me just hear from my mom." I said and he nodded. I turned and left my room and wondered why he didn't just use the front door? Oh well. I found my mom sitting in the kitchen sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Morning Mom." I smiled and sat down on a chair next to hers.

"Morning baby. Did you sleep well?" She asked and rubbed her temples. She must have had a rough night.

"Yeah." I chuckled and she gave me a side glance and smile. "Did you have fun?"

"I did. What did you do last night?" She asked as she got up to rinse out her mug.

"I uh" I said looking down at my knotted fingers on the table. "I ended up going to that uh party." My mom's eyes widened and I glanced down again as I bit my lip. "With Marshall." If it were possible, her eyes got even bigger.

"Marshall? You mean the new kid from next door?" She asked and I nodded. "Isn't he too old for you?"

"No Mom, he's 15 and its not like that. We're just friends." I said with a sigh and I heard her giggle. I frowned and looked at her. "What?"

"Nothing baby. I'm just happy you're making friends." She said smiling at me as she leaned against the kitchen counter. I wanted to roll my eyes at her, but didn't.

"So I uh is it ok if we hang out today? I mean Marshall and me?" I asked my mom nervously.

"Sure honey. Maybe you should show him around, just be safe and be home before dark." My mom said walking over to me and kissing my head. I smiled and walked back to my room.

"What the hell?" I whisper yelled at Marshall, who was now laying on my bed with his ankles crossed and his hands behind his head.

"Sorry. I got bored and tired waiting for you." He said like it was no big deal.

"So you decided to just make yourself at home?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and scowling at him. He gave a shrug and I sighed. "So? What do you want to do?"

"You got any good basketball courts around?" He asked as he glanced at me. I nodded and he had a small smile. "Wanna go shoot some hoops?"

"I uh. I don't know how to." I said looking down at the ground as I blushed.

"I can show you." Marshall said getting up and walking to my window again. "I'mma go get my ball then I'll come get you."

"Please use the front door. It's there for a reason." I said and he chuckled and shook his head as he left. I smiled, I felt happy for once, something I haven't felt in a long time.

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