You broke your promise

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Chapter 27

It's been four whole day's since I've last seen Marshall. Four whole days since he promised to come check up on me and make sure I was ok. Yeah so much for not breaking your promise dumb fuck. Ok maybe that was a little harsh but I was beyond pissed at him. He's forever busy with Kim and even Proof was getting pissed at him.

I was mad that he chose that lying and cheating bitch over us but then again they say love is blind. And it didn't help that Marshall already needed glasses. I sighed and decided to call Becky since I had nothing better to do and it was her day off.

"Hello?" She said in a cheery voice after the third ring.

"At least one of us is in a good mood." I said into the phone with a sigh.

"What crawled up your ass and dies?" She asked me with a giggle.

"Kim and Marshall." I said with disgust. Ok ever since Marshall and I slept together, it's not like I hate Kim but yeah I just really don't like her.

"You fucking joking right?" She asked me and I can just picture her shocked face. I told her all about Kim and the ups and downs her and Marshall had. "Why on earth will he go back to her? I swear if someone cheated on me the first time that is it for us."

"I'm with you on that one. But he I guess he loves her Becks. So there's not much any of us can dp about it." I said twirling the cord around my finger.

"And you guys? Have you like you know? Talked about the other night?" She asked me and I knew she was fishing for some gossip. I giggled and shook my head.

"No, there's nothing to say Becks. We were both drunk and high and made a mistake." I said with a shrug.

"Is that what it was to you? A mistake?" She asked and I could hear the frown in her voice. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. That might was anything but a mistake to me.

"No." I said softly with a shaky voice. "But it was a mistake to him."

"And how do you know that?" She asked in her bitchy tone.

"Because I know Marshall Becky.I'm his best friend and that's all I'll ever be." I said trailing off.

"Come on Ky. Stop feeling so sorry for yourself and just talk to the guy. Tell him how you feel. What's there to lose?" She asked and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Uh our friendship. Becky, I'd rather have him in my life as just a friend than not at all." I said making her sigh with frustration.

"Well then I don't know what to tell you." She said and then we were both silent for a little. "So uh when's the hearing?" She asked me.

"Tomorrow." I said in monotone. I told Becky everything about my dad and the hearing and how he got in prison in the first place.

"Are you going to go?" She asked softly.

"Fuck no. I want nothing to do with that fucking piece of shit." I said getting angry at the thought of seeing him again.

"I'm sorry Ky, but let me know what happens. Oh yeah you might get a call soon from one of the schools. They called here earlier and I gave them your number there so yeah." Becky said lightening the mood a little with her good news.

"Ok thanks Becks." I smiled and then glanced at the door as there was a knock. "I need to go. There's someone here. Bye Becky." I said hanging up and then calling out an "I'm coming!" as I walked to the door. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" I asked with a frown.

"Very funny Ky." Marshall said rolling his eyes at me as I kept a straight face. I was mad at him and a little hurt that he just forgot about me like that. "Can I come in or?"

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