Interesting days

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Chapter 4

This morning, like any other one, my mom woke me up from my slumber. I groaned knowing today was Tuesday, which meant I have to work today. I sighed and dragged myself out of bed to get ready for school.

"Morning Kylie" Debbie smiled as I walked over to the car.

"Morning Debbie." I smiled back and waved. I got in the car and saw Marshall already sitting in the back. I smiled at him and he gave me a nod. I nodded back at him and he smiled shaking his head.

"So I'm gonna sing up for the talent show today." Marshall said as we stopped at our lockers before English.

"Cool. I know you'll do great." I smiled at him and he gave me a sad smile. "What?" I asked with a frown as I closed my locker.

"I'm white." He said and that just confused the hell out of me.

"No shit Sherlock." I said giving him a 'duh' look. He chuckled and shook his head.

"What I meant was I'm a white rapper. What if people laugh?" I frowned but didn't say anything as we made our way to English. I wonder what people would think of him since he's white? Surely that won't mind right? I mean he's pretty good and that's all that matters.

I made both of us lunch today and handed him his at lunch. He frowned and I rolled my eyes.

"I made us lunch." I shrugged and then he smiled at me.

"You're the best Ky." He said smiling as we walked to the tree we sat under the day before. Today he didn't have his pad out as he softly rapped to me so that only I could hear. Some of the things he came up with on the spot made me giggle. I have never felt so at ease with anyone before in my life.

"So you coming over again today?" Marshall asked as I closed my locker. I smiled sadly and shook my head.

"I can't today, sorry. I got work." I said with a sigh and he frowned.

"Where do you work anyway?" He asked glancing at me as we walked out of the school building.

"Uh Little Caesars. It's a Pizza place." I said and he nodded. We got to the bottom of the steps and then he turned to me. "So I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See ya." I said waving at him. He smiled and turned and shoved his hands in his pockets. I did the same as I made my way to work. Once I got there I quickly wen to the bathroom to change into my uniform.

"Hey Ky." Archie said as I walked into the kitchen to clock in.

"Hey Archie." I waved blushing slightly.

"So how was the rest of your weekend?" He asked as he put his apron on.

"It was good and yours?" I asked as I put my apron on. He shrugged and then the bitch walked in.

"Hey Archie!" She gushed as she walked in the door. I made face behind her back and acted like I wanted to puke. Archie saw this and snickered.

"Hey Mya." He said not looking at her. Mya saw that and turned to glare at me. I shrunk back and she smiled, looking smug. Why did I have to be so scared of her?

"Come on, quit fooling around. We have customers to serve." Our boss said as he pushed through the kitchen doors.

"Yes Mr Alberti." All three of us mumbled then left the kitchen. Mya shoved me and I stumbled a little as she walked past me. I glared at her back but then wen to put on a fake smile. My job sucks. I mean I'm the shyest person on this earth yet here I am working as a waitress. Weird I know.

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