Anger Management Tour

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Chapter 53

Its been some time now after Marshall's released his next album, Encore and it's been doing both great and a little bad. You see he was somewhat creative in some of his songs, like the first single Just Loose It. I personally liked it and thought it was kinda funny. The video too, but yeah others didn't think so.

Of course with a new album comes new and more law suits but I guess Marshall was so used to that by now. I just felt so bad for him, because even though he says the shit doesn't get to him, I can see that it does somewhat bother him.

His pill and drinking problem has been on an all time high and we've all tried to get him to calm down. Even my mom and Debbie were concerned for him and they don't even see him anymore, they just hear the news. The guys drink and shit too but Marshall takes it a little too far.

I felt so bad for Debbie thought, because on Marshall's last album, The Eminem Show, he has a track called Cleaning Out My Closet, even the music video was freaking sad. I still see Debbie and I know it sometime's pisses Marshall off, but she was like a mother to me when I was younger.

Hailie and Lainie are getting so big now, they're absolutely beautiful. Marshall is going to ave his hands full with them. And then there's little Whitney. Oh my word is she the cutest little thing. It makes me sad though sometimes because I want a baby too, but there's only one problem. I'm still single. I'm just not really interested in men.

Even Becky has tried setting me up with her cousin once, but I was just not interested enough. I mean sure the guy had gorgeous green eyes and he was extremely good looking with a great sense of humour, my heart just already beat for someone else.

Speaking of said someone, he's been on tour for like long now. He started the Anger Management Tour back in 2002 and he's still busy with it. It was a huge ass tour and since it was now summer vacation for me, he's invited no scratch that demanded that I go along with them.

This was the first summer vacation ever where I did not have to have summer school. I was so grateful for that, because nothing much has happened in my life and I needed some excitement. And getting to see the world with my best friends, what could be better than that?

I was busy packing the last pf my things and made sure I had everything ready for my flight to New York. I was so excited because not only was I seeing Marshall, Proof and the guys but I was going to see Becky too. She was spending the day with us.

I yawned as I pulled my suitcase down the stairs and to the waiting cab. I was so tired since it was just after seven now and I would arrive in New York around nine. Let's just hope that the guys remember to pick me up from the airport. I tried calling them last night, but yeah there was no answer, so I'm guessing that they were out partying.

The flight was not delayed and I had a nice nap on the plane here. I made my way to luggage and grabbed my bag then went to the front of the airport where we agreed we would meet each other. I waited and waited and waited and waited and no Marshall, no Proof, no Swifty, no Denaun, no Bizarre, no Kuniva and no Paul showed up. Of course they would forget, I thought to myself as I retrieved my phone.

"Hello?" Becky answered in her cheery voice that I missed so much.

"Hey Becks. How are you?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"They forgot you, didn't they?" She asked me and I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. Will you come get me please?" I asked her and she laughed again.

"Sure Ky, I was actually about to call you." I heard shuffling in the background like she was grabbing keys then heard her door open. "Archie is at work and I'm bored as hell."

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