Happy birthday to me

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Chapter 77

"So we still get to spend the weekend here? Just us right?" Hailie asked just as I walked into the kitchen.

"I promise baby. Well tonight the guys are coming over and then the rest of the weekend it's just us." Marshall said as he gave Hailie a kiss on the head.

"Morning guys." I said smiling as I walked in further.

"Morning Ky." Hailie beamed and Marshall just watched me as I gave Hailie a hug then went to kiss him.

"Morning baby." Marshall said with a sigh as he put his arms around me. I frowned up at him and he smiled down at me.

"You ok?" I asked and he smiled and nodded.

"I'm more than ok baby." He said kissing my nose and making me giggle. "You still coming with me today?"

"Yup, well if you don't mind?" I asked as I went to the fridge. He rolled his eyes at me and I shook my head. Just then, the girls came bounding into the kitchen with their school bags on their backs.

"You girls ready to go?" Marshall asked then and they all nodded.

"I suppose we are." Lainie said with a sigh.

"Come on Lainie, schools not that bad." I said trying to cheer her up.

"Says the one that wanted to kill me half of the time when I ditched." Marshall said with a smirk and the girls eyes widened.

"You ditched school dad?" Hailie asked surprised and I covered my mouth not laugh as Marshall rubbed a hand over his face, realizing his mistake.

"Yeah, and you shouldn't do it. Because of that I had to sit in 9th grade three times while Ky became the smartest girl in our school." Marshall said and all the girls turned to look at me.

"Were you really?" Lainie asked with a smile and I shrugged.

"Yeah she was. She was a little nerd back in the day." Marshall said and I glared at him.

"I was not a nerd Marshall. I just liked to get straight A's." I shrugged and Lainie giggled.

"How were you guys even friends?" She asked and I looked at Marshall and smiled.

"I ask myself that question every day Lainie." I said and Marshall scoffed as he took his car keys off the island.

"I was not that bad a person back then ya know?" He said and I smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"No you weren't. I bet if it wasn't for you I'd still be that little nerd." I said and the girls groaned when Marshall and I shared a kiss.

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