Surprising him

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Chapter 11

The past 3months have been extremely hectic and busy. I can't believe it was already winter break. I wasn't complaining though, I was leaving for Detroit today so that I could spend the next four days there over Christmas. I was beyond excited.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I asked Becky, she was my roommate. I had to get one since rent was a bitch and well between studying and school I didn't get too many hours in at the coffee shop I worked at so pay was low. Don't get me wrong, I had quite a few bucks saved up, but I was clever with my money.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She smiled up at me from under the blanket she had thrown over her on the couch. She was pretty with blond hair and green eyes. She had a fit body and a cute and bubbly personality. She was the complete opposite of me.

"Ok. Well I'll see you in a few days then." I said beaming at her.

"Gosh, you really are excited to see this Marshall kid hay?" She asked me and I blushed madly. She knew about Marshall. She saw the photo's I had of him and thought he was hot. Well she wasn't completely wrong about that.

"Shut up." I said still not looking up at her. "He's my best friend ok." I said finally looking up at her and she gave me a 'Sure he is' look. I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled. "Hey I'm excited to see Proof and the other guys too." I defended myself.

"Yeah right." She said and then turned her attention back to the TV. I shook my head and walked back into my room. I really did miss Marshall. I mean we spoke on the phone at least three times a week, but it wasn't the same. I grabbed my bag and then pulled Marshall's hoodie over my head. I grabbed my beanie and put it on then pulled my hood up over my head.

"Merry Christmas Becky. Don't go having parties and shit while I'm gone." I said waving at her.

"Let me know when I get there and say hi to Marshall for me." She said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and then walked out to my car. It was damn cold outside and I was glad that it wasn't snowing heavily. I got in my car and started it.

I swear I was bouncing in my seat on the whole drive there. I had to stop a few times on the long ass drive to either pee or fill the gas or eat something. Once I finally made it back home it was almost 7:30 at night once I got home.

"Come in baby, come in." My mom rushed me inside as the cold wind blew outside. I smiled and stepped into the warm house. My mom crushed me in a hug and started crying. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Hey Mom." I smiled as she held me at arms length, giving me a once over.

"It's so good to see you honey." My mom gushed as she gave me another hug.

"It's good to see you too Ma. I missed you all so much." I said walking into the kitchen to have a glass of water. "So how's everyone been?" I asked as I leaned against the counter. and sipped on the water.

"I guess fine. I've been busy with work. Debbie too and Marshall, well Marshall's been Marshall." My mom shrugged and I frowned at that. "Which reminds me. We're invited to have supper there tonight. I told Debbie you were coming a day earlier."

"Does Marshall know?" I asked hoping he didn't. I wanted to surprise him since we had an argument as to me coming for longer, but couldn't. I had to take off work today so I could drive out so I would have one day more. I hope he appreciates it.

"No sweety. I told Debbie you wanted to surprise him. That's why she told us to go over there." I nodded then put my empty glass in the sink.

"What time do we need to go there?" I asked my mom and she glanced at the clock on the wall.

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