Just a normal day

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Chapter 80

Dre was coming over today which meant Marshall has been cooped up in his studio for most of the week. I was bored and the girls wanted to go shopping. We were currently on our way to the mall for a shopping spree.

"Are you sure you'll be ok Ky?" Lainie asked as I took Max out of his car seat. I frowned at her and locked the car.

"What do you mean Lainie?" I asked as we started to walk to the entrance.

"Well people." She said shrugging and I smiled and shook my head.

"I'll be fine, besides, less people stop me now. I think they over it. And didn't you hear?" I asked her and it was her turn to frown and shake her head. "Your uncle is getting back together with your aunt." I said and Lainie started to giggle.

"Oh yeah, all cause they saw dad talking to mom now they suddenly rekindling their love." Hailie said with a roll of her eyes. I have always wondered if they ever wanted that.

"Hey Hai? I wanna ask you something, and I want you to be completely honest with me." I said and she smiled and nodded.

"I'm all ears and I promise to give you my honest answer." She replied as we walked into the mall. I bit my lip and thought of how to ask her this.

"Do you." I started then stopped to take a breath. "Do you ever wish that your parents get back together?" I asked her and she stopped walking as her, Lainie and Whitney frowned at me.

"Why do you ask that Ky?" Lainie asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. It's just that, I guess it would be nice to have both parent around all the time and see them happy together." I shrugged and we started to walk again.

"Yeah, that's where the catch comes in. Happy together." Lainie said and Hailie nodded.

"Hai?" I asked her since she hasn't answered me yet. She sighed and nodded her head.

"To be honest? Yeah, I would like for them to be together, but like Lainie said, it's about being happy together Ky. And if there's one thing I know, is that they were rarely happy together. I mean I love my parents and as much as I would want them together, I prefer them they way they both are now." She said and I nodded with a small frown. "I'm not saying I don't want you with dad. I love you like a mother too Ky, and you make dad happy and that makes me happy." She added with a smile as she gave me a hug.

"Yeah and look, both of them are happy and have a good relationship right now."
Lainie added and Hailie smiled and nodded.

"So you guys don't hate me for marrying your dad?" I asked them. Sure it was a few years too late to ask this, but I needed to know.

"What? No! We love you Ky." Lainie said giving me a hug. Hailie and Whitney joined in while I held Max.

"Aww, I love you girls too." I said enjoying the moment.

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