Talent show

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Chapter 6

"You little good for nothing. I can't believe you wont clean up after yourself." My dad snarled at me as I stood there with my head bowed and my hands behind my back.

"I was about to Dad. I'm sorry." I said in a soft voice as tears pricked at my eyes.

"You're just as useless as your fucking mother!" My dad snapped as he slapped me through the face with the back of his hand. I whimpered and dropped to the floor from the force. Of course it was just my luck and I fell into the pieces of glass from the glass I just broke.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered as the glass shreds cut into my flesh of my knees and palms. I wish mom was here. She always got dad to back off, at a price though. I was just so tired of all the damn drama in my life and always having new bruises. I just wanted to be normal for once in my life.

"Ah on your knees. Just how I like a girl to be." I looked up at the voice with a frown to cam face to face with Bryan?

"Bryan?" I asked confused and he smiled and stepped forward towards me. He ran his fingers through my hair and I cringed at the feeling. Oh god what did I do to deserve this.

"Get up." He ordered and I just looked at him with a frown. He glowered at me and then snarled as he grabbed a hand full of my hair. "I said get the fuck up bitch." I whimpered and stood up on shaky legs as he still had a hold of my hair.

"Please don't." I whispered through tears as I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt his hot breath on my neck and I got chills. I let out a soft whimper as his hands traveled up my shirt and to my breasts. I started to sob as he left a trail of horrible kisses on my neck. His other hand traveled down to my pants and unbuttoned it.

"Oh Marshall baby." I heard a female voice moan. My eyes snapped open and I glanced around to find Mya pressed up against a wall with Marshall all over her. Kissing her and whispering sweet nothings in her ears.

"M-Marshall." I whimpered his name as Bryan's hands continued down my pants. I felt helpless and useless. Marshall turned and frowned as he heard his name.

"Kylie?" He asked as he squinted his eyes at me. I nodded and begged for his help.

"No baby. Leave the nobody alone. Stay with me." Mya said cupping his face to make him look at her. He smiled at her lovingly and nodded as he kissed her.

"Marshall?" I asked confused as he just totally ignored me. I felt hurt and couldn't stop the fresh tears from coming.

"Mya is right Kylie. You're just a worthless nobody." Marshall said with no interest as he flung his arm around Mya and turned and left me as Bryan pulled my pants down completely and pushed me down on a bed.

"Kylie?" I heard a distressed voice calling me but I was too scared to open my eyes. I didn't want to see Bryan looking at me with lust. "Kylie?! Wake up!" My eyes shot open and I looked up into the blue orbs that I've grown so used to the past week.

"Marshall?" I asked with a sob as I sat up straight. Marshall's head dropped and he sighed in relief.

"You scared the living fucking shit out of me Ky." Marshall whispered as he sat down next to me on the couch.

"Marshall." I sobbed and put my arms around his neck. He pulled me so that I was sitting in his lap as his arms came around me and started to rock me while I sobbed.

"Shhh Ky. It's ok. It was just a bad dream." He hushed as he stroked my hair in an attempt to calm me down. We sat like that for quite a while until I was calm enough.

"Sorry." I mumbled sheepishly as I looked and his soaked shirt form all my tears. He looked down at his shirt and shrugged then looked back at me with a frown.

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