Please wake up

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Chapter 67

You'd think that waking up to an empty bed and crib would freak me out, but this was normal. The first morning I woke up and found Marshall and Max gone I panicked. I darted to Max's room and he was not there and then when I got downstairs I found the two of them passed out on the recliner.

Marshall hardly slept and when Max woke up for his 5am feeding, Marshall would take him and bottle feed him. He said it was their way of bonding. I didn't mind it that much though, sleep was scarce these days. In the beginning Maxwell switched his days and nights around. That was torture, because I don't sleep during the day easily.

I stretched out and shivered when the cold air hit my upper body. It was a week before Christmas and it was snowing. The girls were leaving us today to go to their mom's so that they can be here for Max's first Christmas.

They absolutely adored their little brother. Nate was ecstatic when he met Max, because now he finally had a nephew to play basketball with. Marshall didn't say much, but he seemed ok. Well as ok as you can be while being a real douche bag that relies on pills to get through the day.

Dre phoned the day we got home with Max to congratulate us and the guys were already waiting for us when we got home. It was a sad day for us, because I kept wishing the Proof was there to see little Max. Later that night we decided to change Max's name. He was now Maxwell Dupree Mathers.

We had yet to choose godparents for him, but I had a good idea who I wanted to be his godfather. Denaun was here pretty much all the time lately because he was worried about Marshall. He also came around often so that he can try get Marshall back in the studio and work on something.

I pulled on my fluffy robe and tied it around my waist. I yawned as I slipped my slippers on then dragged my fingers through my hair to bring some order to it. It was just after 8, meaning that Max will be up soon for his feeding. I made my way down the stairs and walked straight to the lounge.

I smiled when I found my husband and son passed out on the recliner. Max was sprawled out like a star across Marshall's chest on his stomach as Marshall held him with one arm. They had a big blue fluffy blanket covering them and they looked too precious.

"That's seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen." I looked to my right to find Hailie smiling as she rubbed her face.

"Sleep well sweety?" I asked her as I put my arms around her and gave her a hug. She smiled and closed her eyes and nodded her head.

"Yeah thanks and you Ky?" She asked looking up at me.

"I slept ok. Max is starting to sleep better at night, but I still worry." I said frowning at Marshall.

"Yeah. Me too." Hailie said with a defeated sigh. "Hey Ky? Do you think Daddy's going to be ok?" I looked down at her with sad eyes. How do I tell her that things are going to be ok when I myself, worry that it wont be?

"Sweety" I started with a sigh "I wish I could tell you that everything was going to be ok baby. But not even I know if it will be. We just have to be there for him and help him. He's having a really tough time dealing with Proof's passing." I said rubbing her back to try sooth her.

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