You're not the only one with a say

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Chapter 79

I have been bored out of my mind. Like seriously, there was nothing to do. Marshall was traveling again promoting his new album, Recovery. I really missed him and wished we could have gone with him, but travelling with Max was difficult.

I recently decided to pick up Debbie's book she wrote about Marshall. It was quite an interesting read and it had me in tears a few times. I felt bad, because she never did anything wrong to me yet I never let her meat Max. She has a right to know him and I was thinking of talking to Marshall about that.

"Momma? Whehs Daddy?" Max asked with a frown as he came to sit on the couch next to me. I smiled at him and kissed his head.

"He's coming home soon baby." I said and Max nodded. I can't believe that he was already three. He was getting so big now and looked like his dad more and more each day. Max sat back on the couch and turned his attention to the TV just as the front door opened.

Max perked up and he beamed at me. I smiled and nodded to the door, knowing that it was Marshall that was coming home. Max jumped off the couch and ran to the door.

"Naun!" I heard him call out. I chuckled and shook my head as I got up.

"Hey buddy!" I heard Denaun say as I rounded the corner. Denaun had Max in the air above his head.

"Hey guys." I smiled and Royce looked up at me from his phone.

"Hey Kylie. Doing good?" Royce asked with a smile as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Yeah, just missed my hubby way too much." I said looking for Marshall, but didn't see him. Denaun put Max down and came to me.

"He's on the phone with Dre out front." Denaun said, obviously catching on that I was looking for him. "Damn it's good to be home." Denaun said while hugging me.

"It's good to have you guys home. I really missed you guys." I said and Denaun scoffed at that.

"You only missed yo Marshmallow." He said and I giggled while blushing.

"Yeah ok. Will do man. Bye" Marshall said walking into the house. His voice sent a chill down my spine and my heart picked up in speed.

"Daddy!" Max exclaimed as he ran to Marshall. Marshall's face lit up as he crouched down to catch Max. Max jumped on his dad and practically tackled him to the ground. Marshall chuckled and fell onto his back with Max in his arms.

"Did you miss me Max?" Marshall asked Max as he sat on Marshall's stomach.

"Yes!" Max said with the biggest smile.

"It's scary." Denaun said from beside me and I frowned at him. He smiled and nodded to Max and Marshall. "He look's so much like Em."

"Yeah he does. Let's just hope he doesn't have a hidden slim in there." I said and Denaun laughed and shook his head.

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