Him again

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Chapter 36

"Hold the elevator please!" Someone called as soon as the doors started to close. I was hoping and praying that it would close sooner but luck was not on my side as the person shoved their hand between the two closing doors and opened them. I held in my groan and kept to myself as I just stood there facing the door.

"Thank you." The guy said and I gave him a quick glance with a small smile.

"Pleasure." I mumbled once I turned my attention away from the stranger. I was hoping and praying that the elevator would descend at the speed of light since I felt really uncomfortable in the elevator alone with another man.

"Hey?" He said in a confused tone as I tensed up. "Aren't you the new girl that moved in at 14B?" I slowly turned my attention back to the dude and gave him a small nervous smile.

"Uh yeah." Was all I said, not sure what else to say. The guy beamed, showing off his perfect white teeth. He looked oddly familiar which scared me a bit.

"I'm Todd, I live in 14A" He said holding his hand out for me to shake. I was kind of grateful I had gloves on so that our skin wont make contact. Don't judge me but males creeped me out ok.

"Oh yeah. I'm Kylie. Nice to meet you." I said giving his hand a quick shake. He was actually really quite handsome. He had light brown hair that was styled messily to perfection if that made any sense, with hazel-honey brown eyes and a very cute smile. Once I let go of his hand and was done checking him out, I was genuinely smiling at him. "So I guess I'll see you around neighbour." He said winking before he stepped out.

"Uh I guess yeah." I said blushing like crazy. He chuckled at my blushing and walked to his car.

"Nice meeting you Kylie." He said and I nodded.

"You too Todd." I said getting into my car that just so happened to be parked in the spot next to mine. I watched as he drove away and then finally drove off too. I was on my way to pick Marshall up. The idiot managed to get himself fired from his job a few days ago. Today was Monday and we were going to get a few things for Christmas dinner and I wanted to get Hailie and Lainie something.

I drove through the snow filled street until I reached Marshall and Kim's place. Kim was at work and Hailie and Lainie was at her mom's for the day. She didn't like nor trusted Marshall much. What a bitch but oh well. Marshall was standing outside already waiting for me when I pulled up.

"About time. Its fucking cold out." Marshall said in a grumpy mood as he closed the door.

"Why hello to you too my dear friend." I said sarcastically with the most fake smile I could muster. He rolled his eyes at me and I frowned. Something was up. "What's up?"

"Nothing." He mumbled as he frowned and looked out of the window.

"I'm not an idiot Marshall. What happened?" I asked him again with a sigh. He looked at me and his eyes softened.

"Kim and I got into an argument over her mom." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. This was getting old fast. I swear these two argue every single day and break up ever second day.

"What else is new." I said as I drove off making him chuckle. I looked at him and smirked before turning my attention back to the road.

"So" He started watching me drive "Hows the new place?"

"It's cool. I like being independent, it just gets a little lonely." I said in a sad tone with a small pout but then I remembered I met my neighbour. "I met my neighbour though."

"Oh yeah? She hot?" Marshall asked getting excited. I glared at him making him frown at me. Why did I even glare at him? And to be honest I was very glad that my neighbour was a he and not a she.

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