Things are starting to happen

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Chapter 39

Is it just me? Or is t that the older you get the faster the time flies? Because damn time has gone by so fast it's not even funny. After that kiss Todd and I shared at new years that was pretty much it. Afterwards I heard that Marshall wanted to rip Todd'd head off, I have no idea why.

Todd and I still hang out a lot, but we're just friends. He's been hinting at being more but I'm just not sure. I don't know if I see us being together or if I even see myself falling in love with Todd. I mean I like him and he's attractive and all but that's just about it. He doesn't make me feel the way that Mar..I really need to stop with that.

Marshall has been doing pretty good. I mean he's been invited to compete in the Rap Olympics in California and he was really excited about that of course.

"But what if I freeze up and suck ass Ky?" Marshall asked me while we were having lunch.

"Will you stop? You're good and will be just fine." I said rolling my eyes at him. He was being silly.

"It sucks that you're not going to be there." He said frowning and I gave him a small smile.

"I will be there, well not there there but there. You know what I mean?" I asked him and he chuckled at me being ridiculous.

"Yeah I do." He sighed and popped a fry into his mouth.

"When do you guys eave?" I asked him while taking a sip of water.

"Uh tomorrow." He said frowning and I nodded.

"Are you packed and ready to go?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Not packed yet but I'm a little nervous." He admitted with a sheepish smile.

"Well you wouldn't be human if you weren't nervous." I said and he nodded. We sat in silence for a while before Marshall cleared his throat. I looked up at him and he was slightly frowning at me. "What?"

"So you and Todd." He started and I groaned and rolled my eyes at him.

"Are you seriously starting with that again?" I asked him and he pursed his lips at me. "How many times do I have to tell you that we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

"That's what you think." He mumbled but I heard him and frowned at him as I titled my head to the side a little.

"Why do you say that?" I asked him and he sighed and shook his head. Oh no, he's not getting off the hook that easily. I still don't know why he always brings up Todd, we always end up arguing about that for no reason at all.

"I'm not fucking blind Kylie. I have fucking eyes and I can see the way he looks at you." Marshall snapped and I flinched back at his tone.

"And how would you know what his 'looks' mean? And what way does he look at me?" I asked getting mad at him. He sighed and then looked at me as if he was thinking on what to say next.

"Cause its the same way I look at.." He trailed off and I frowned at him. I hardly caught what he said because he was whispering it.

"What?" I asked him more confused than before. His eyes widened and it looked like he just let out a secret that was to be untold because he quickly covered his tracks.

"Cause that's how guys look at girls in movies. You know what I'm saying?" He said looking so damn cute when hes nervous. No Kylie, stop it. I've vowed to myself that I would stop thinking of him like that. Yeah so far that hasn't worked out for me at all.

"Yeah I guess. But not the point Marshmallow. I just don't get why you don't like Todd?" I asked him as I finished my food.

"Because he's a fucking douche." That was all he said. That was his explanation? Well ok then.

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