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Chapter 31

To say that the New Years party was a complete bore was an understatement. Marshall never came because Kim was finally home with Hailie and I guess he wanted to be with them. I tried to let loose and enjoy myself at the party but I just couldn't. Without Marshall there I didn't feel safe to get drunk or high since he was always there when I started to get a little out of control.

Proof and Denaun gave me so much shit the next few days for leaving the party earlier. They made me feel like the worst friend ever and they were enjoying it. Marshall on the other hand was glad that I left earlier, why that is? I have no idea.

The last few days I had left in Detroit I either spent at home alone, reading or I would go visit Kim and Marshall. Even on the days Marshall had to work, I would go to Kim and help out with Hailie. I have grown to love that little girl so much already. Kim was really grateful since she as so tired. Marshall was nervous because he said he didn't like the fact that Kim and I were alone together. It was quite funny the first day he saw me there with Hailie in my arms with Kim and I laughing about something stupid.

Once I got home, I got news that we will now be having another room mate. I guess Becky and Archie really liked each other a lot, because in the few days I was gone, they decided that Archie should move in with us. They were going to be annoying. I just knew it. I mean don't get me wrong, I love Becky and Archie but couples just annoy the hell out of me lately.

School started again and it was back to normal for me. I loved my job, I just wished it was closer to home. I missed Michigan more than I ever thought I would. Then again I don't know if it was Michigan that I missed or the people, more precisely the person, in Michigan.

I was worried about Marshall. He's been busting his ass off at work then on his time off he was recording or watching Hailie and he barely slept anymore. Not that he slept much before but now he sleeps even less. I get that he's dedicated, but one person can only take so much. The good news though was that Marshall got signed to a small company called FBT Productions and he was working with two brothers, Mark and Jeff Bass that was going to help him get his first album out.

Proof surprised us all that following summer by telling us he had a baby on the way too with that girl he was with over Christmas, yet he's met a new girl called Sharonda. I met her when I went for a quick visit in the summer. Hailie was getting big and too damn adorable. I swear I spent most of my time in Detroit with her. She had the cutest smile and giggle and whenever she laughed you just had to laugh too. Marshall and Kim also moved into Debbie's old mobile home so that they could be a family.

I also got to know Kim and Marshall's adopted daughter, Alaina. She was gorgeous with dark, almost black hair and blue eyes. She was Kim's twin sister, Dawn's daughter, but because of her drug problem Marshall and Kim adopted her. I was really proud of Marshall. He was a great dad to both of them and proud of them too.

Proof also came up with this idea that they should form a group. He wanted to get 12 of the sickest MC's in Detroit and then call themselves The Dirty Dozen or for short, D12. They ended up with only six people which were all made up of the guys. So it was Proof, Bugz, Marshall, Bizarre, Kuniva and Denaun. It was decided that they will all have like and alter-ego and that's how they made up The Dirty Dozen. They also began messing around with rhymes and started to record some music.

I was so sad when I had to go back home, but now communicating was easier since almost everyone had cellphones now. I had a black Motorola StarTAC and let me tell you it was pretty freaking awesome.

I was really starting to get worried about Marshall though, because he seemed depressed and down a lot lately. I felt like the worst friend in the world, because I was supposed to be his best friend and here I was all the way in New York while he was in Detroit. What a friend I was.

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