Just like old times

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Chapter 40

I was moping around in my apartment, feeling sorry for myself. It was Saturday today and I was bored out of my mind. It's days like these when I really missed Becky. Speaking off, I hven't talked to her in a long time. Maybe I should call her up. And that's exactly what I did.

"Hellooo?" She answered the phone on the fourth ring in a very chirpy voice. Just hearing her chirpy voice made me feel better already.

"I swear you're like throwing up rainbows and shit." I said with a small chuckle. She giggled on the other end and I can just imagine her shaking her head.

"And you've been spending way too much time with Marshall and Proof, you even talk like them now." She said and I sighed. If only that was true.

"I wish." I said sighing and slumping down on the couch.

"Hmmm, you sound off. What's up?" She asked me and that just made me wish she was here in stead of miles away.

"Oh you know, the usual. Little old lonely me, sitting around in my apartment, all alone, feeling sorry for my lonely ass." I said and she laughed on the other end.

"Well I'm glad we established that you are lonely." That made me laugh too. "But why so sad?" She asked and by the sound of it she was pouting for dramatic effect.

"Well ever since the album dropped and Marshall pretty much blew up over night, we hardly see each other or talk." I said sighing and closing my eyes to not let myself get all emotional about it again.

"Well you can't blame him for that Ky, he's not the one that makes himself busy." She said making me groan because I knew she was right.

"Yeah I know, still miss him." I said sighing and I heard her sigh too.

"I know you do. But how come you don't see Proof anymore? I though him and Marshall weren't exactly getting along?" She asked and I shook my head then realized that she couldn't see me.

"They talked it out. They good now, he's actually taking D12 with him on tour on Warped Tour." I said with a sigh.

"That's awesome." She said and I shook my head.

"No its not. That means I'm going to be alone the whole summer while they're all having the time of their life's." I mumbled and Becky laughed at me.

"Why don't you just go with? I'm sure Marshall would love to have you go with them." She said giggling. Why the hell was she giggling? This was so not a laughing matter. I was about to snap at her until she said "Stop it babe, I'm on the phone with Kylie."

"Oh" I heard Archie mumble and Becky giggle again. "Hey Kylie!" He called out and I smiled at that. I missed him too actually.

"Hey Archie!" I called back and then Becky cleared her throat.

"Now where were we, oh yeah, going with them." She said and I sighed.

"You know, he actually asked me to go with, but Kim is going to be there the whole summer or well most of it and yeah. I hate watching her and Marshall tongue fuck each other the whole day." I said making a disgusted face at just thinking of that.

"Yeah, I can see how that can be a problem." Becky said and I nodded, totally agreeing with her. "So enough about him, how's Todd?" She asked in a weird voice. I told her the whole story about him and how he wanted more but I was just unsure.

"He's good I guess. We hung out last night again. I just don't know Becky." I said sighing and she sighed too.

"Look at it this way. You're too chicken shit to confess to Marshall and he's got anyway so why not just give Todd a shot? You never know." She said and I shook my head at her bluntness.

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