Tired of it all

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Chapter 63


So after our honeymoon we got back and boy oh boy did things change. Marshall went back to the studio and busied himself with work. I was broken and so were the girls. He promised them a little vacation and when we go back he said he couldn't take them anymore because Akon and Curtis needed him.

We got into such a huge fight over it and it turned ugly. I ended up leaving to go sleep at my mom's place for the night. He came back the next day and practically begged me to just come back home. He promised that things would change. I loved him so of course I went back. I tried getting him to spend more time with the girls but he had video musics to film.

He asked me to go by on the weekend he made the video with Akon but I declined. I had no more interest in his music because it was ruining our marriage. I used to sit and cry just staring into space. It was moments like those that I wish I still had Proof. He always knew what to say and always had this comforting aura to him I fucking missed him so damn much.

I knew Marshall missed him too. He cried at night and when I tried to comfort him he would push me away and reach for the pill bottle. It hurt to know that I was not important enough for him. It's gotten so bad at times that I end up sitting with Kim and crying. She comforted me but had no idea what to do either.

It was November now and Marshall just sat around, moping. He started to put on some weight too. All he did was eat take away's and junk food. Whenever I made food, he would either eat some or tell me he has already eaten. I was worried about his health and about us. We haven't been intimate in a month and I missed my husband.

"Ok. That is fucking it. Come on, get your ass up and go shower. Denaun invited us over tonight andwe're going." I said glaring down at him with my hands on my hips. He looked up at me lazily with a Dorito's bag on his stomach and crumbs all over him.

"I don't feel like going." He said then returned back to his bag of chips. I groaned as I looked up at the ceiling and snatched the bag from him. "What the fuck man?!" He snapped as he glared up at me.

"Get you ass up and in the shower Marshall. I'm fucking tired of this!" I said and I felt my eyes water up. He frowned at me and the next words that came from his mouth broke me more if that was even possible.

"If you're so fucking tired of this why don't you just fucking leave?" He asked screaming as he got up and glared down at me. My mouth fell open and I felt tears slip from my eyes. He glared at me for a few moments then he sighed and his eyes softened. "Baby I'm sorry. I'm just, fuck." He said as he reached out for me. I stepped back, looked at his hand then back at him and shook my head.

I turned on my heel and went upstairs to our room. I closed the door with my back leaning against it, slid down to the floor. Marshall was becoming a monster. I didn't know this side of him and it scared me. The time he grabbed me on the Anger Management tour wasn't even as bad as this. I have no idea how long I sat there, but my phone ringing broke me out of my daze.

"Hello?" I answered with a sniffle.

"Ky? You ok girl?" It was Denaun. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

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