The big move

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Chapter 34

This last few days have been a blur. My mom nearly killed me in a death grip hug when I told her I got a job in Detroit and would be moving back home. Even Craig seemed happy, guess seeing my mom happy made him happy too.

That very night my mom already started discussing possible places where I could stay. I laughed at her seeing as I haven't even gotten close to even thinking of that. I had to arrange so that I can drive back to New York and pack my stuff soon. Maybe I'll leave on Saturday, seeing as I have another meeting on Friday.

I've been wondering how Becky was going to take the news. Was she going to be happy or hate me or what? I'm really going to miss her so much. We've become such good friends and I don't want to lose that bond we have. But at least she's got Archie now, so I guess she'll be just fine.

Marshall has blabbered it out to the other guys that I was staying and they were all quite excited too. They all even started telling me about places where I could stay.

"Kylie, sweety?" My mom called out from the kitchen I'm guessing.

"Yeah Ma?" I asked once I got close enough for her to hear me.

"Come have a sit with me please, I want to talk to you about something." She called out but not as loud as before. I frowned once I walked into the kitchen.

"About?" I asked hesitant and she turned to smile at me. She handed me a mug of hot chocolate and then sat down by the dining table herself.

"Sit baby." She said smiling and pointing to the chair next to her.

"Ok." I said slowly and sat down with my mug between my hands.

"So I haven't told you this, but I've been saving up. Well not been saving up exactly, but when I sold the house that your grandma bought, I put that money aside." My mom said not once did the smile leave her face.

"Ok and you're telling me this because?" I asked her still confused. She chuckled and rolled her eyes at me and then gently placed her hand on my arm.

"Sweety I'm telling you this, because I kept that money aside for you. For when you got your first proper apartment or house." My mom said to me as if I was being silly and should have known that that was what she meant from the beginning.

"You did?" I asked a little surprised. My mom smiled and nodded. "You didn't have to Mom." I smiled back at her.

"Nonsense. I did. You're my baby girl and as your mother it is my duty to look out for you." She said and I rolled my eyes this time.

"Yeah, but I'm an adult now Ma, I can look out for myself." I said chuckling and my mom had a small frown.

"That doesn't mean I can't be hiding in the bushes close by." She said with a wink. I laughed at her weird ass comparison.

"Thanks Mom, but I don't think I want to buy an apartment just yet, maybe I'll just start out with renting one." I said shrugging as I finished off my hot chocolate.

"Well then you can use that money to buy some furniture for the apartment at least." My mom suggested with a small smile.

"Only if you help me." I said back making my mom chuckle.

"I'd love to. But right now I need to get the food on the table." My mom said getting up from her seat and putting her empty mug in the sink.

"Hey Ma, I'm heading back to New York this weekend to go pack up my things." I said as I rinsed out the mugs and set them on the drying rack.

"And when will you be back?" My mom asked as she stirred the food.

"Maybe Monday? I don't have a lot of things to pack and I want to look around for a place hopefully before Christmas." I said leaning against the counter.

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