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Chapter 18

"Will you guys be fine alone for a while?" I asked Marshall and Proof. Marshall didn't move from his spot or say anything. Proof glanced up at me from the couch and nodded.

"Yeah Ky. We're not fucking kids ya know?" He said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"I know." I sighed and glanced at Marshall. He was just sitting and staring blankly at the TV. Proof grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"He's going to be ok Ky." He whispered and I swallowed back the tears that were threatening to come. I nodded and wiped at my eyes.

"Ok. I'll just be next door. I won't be long." I said and was about to leave when I was stopped.

"Where are you going?" I spun around and gaped at Marshall. This was the first time he spoke since we fell asleep yesterday after his mom left. I was starting to get worried. He got up from the couch and walked to me frowning and glaring at the same time.

"I need to go talk to my mom real quick and grab some clothes." I said as he put his arms around my shoulders. I sighed and hugged him back. I've noticed that this was his way of getting it all out. He didn't talk, he didn't draw, he wasn't even writing which was a totally odd thing for him. You never see Marshall without a pen and paper in hand. He just wanted to be held. Even his hugs with Proof were longer than usual.

"You can wear my clothes." He said simple and I giggled at that.

"Thanks Marshmallow, but I need to talk to my mom about the school thing." I said looking up at him. He frowned down at me and the hurt in his eyes just broke my heart all over again. I wished I could just take all his pain away.

"Will you be long?" He asked still not letting go of me.

"An hour at most. Besides I'll be right next door." I said offering him a small smile.

"Promise you'll come back?" He asked with his eyes glazing over. That's been his thing for the past day. He was so scared that someone else would leave him. Like when he woke up later yesterday and Proof wasn't there he nearly lost it. I had to call Proof to come over just so that he would calm down.

"I promise Marshall." I said smiling at him and kissing his cheek. He nodded and let me go as he walked back to go sit on the couch. He frowned at me as I opened and closed the door again. Once I was outside I let out a shaky breath and let a few tears slip over my cheeks. I made my way home and slumped down on the couch next to my mom.

"How is she?" She asked me as she placed her hand on my leg. I turned my head so that I could face her. I shook my head and moved so that my head was in my mom's lap. I silently cried as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I hate seeing him like this Mommy." I turned and sobbed into her as I wrapped my arms around her. She was still in her work clothes so she must have just gotten off work.

"I know baby. Shhh I know." My mom coed as she rubbed my back.

"I just want to take it all away Mom, I want him to laugh and smile again." I said sniffling and my mom chuckled.

"I know sweety. Just give it time. He'll be ok. He has an amazing best friend that will be there for him no matter what, so I think he'll just be fine." She said smiling down at me.

"Thanks Ma, but I don't know what to do or say?" I said and took in a shaky breath.

"Just be there for him baby. That's all you could do for him right now." My mom said stroking my cheek. I closed my eyes and nodded. After a while of silence she smiled down at me and broke the silence. "You remind me so much of me when I first met your dad." AT those words I went stiff and my eyes widened.

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