Some news

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Chapter 33

So it's been a week since I've been back home and so far no one knows that I've quit my job and am currently looking for a job and apartment. I think my mom was going to kill me once I told her, she was already surprised that I took the last two weeks of work off just to be here with Marshall, that's basically either at work or with Kim all the time.

I was getting worried for work, I mean I really needed to find something soon, other wise its back to New York for me and then I'll have to beg for my job back. Yeah, like that's going to happen.

Marshall's been worried about Nate and that has lead him to drinking frequently. To top it off they were kind of struggling and if I could, I would help but yeah, I was jobless. My mom and Craig seemed to be doing well and I was glad to see her so happy and in love. She still didn't look at him the same way she did at my dad, but she still loved Craig dearly.

I was currently sitting on the couch under a blanket, with a cup of hot chocolate in my hands, staring blankly into the fire. Marshall was at work and so was my mom, so I was alone today. They fire was so mesmerizing that I didn't even realize that my phone was ringing at first. It stopped and then started again, making me jump a little this time.

"Hello?" I say into the phone as I set my empty mug on the coffee table.

"Hi, is this Kylie Donovan speaking?" A male voice asked and I immediately got nervous.

"Y-Yes, this is she." I said with a shaky voice as my palms got a little sweaty from being so nervous.

"Yes, hi. This is Mr Parker speaking. I'm the principal here at Friends School in Detroit." (AN: Not sure if this school was there in 1996 but it it wasn't, let's just pretend.)

"Yes?" I said and sat up straighter in my seat. This was the school where Macy taught.

"I'm calling to hear if there is a possibility that you can maybe come in for an interview before the week is done?" He asked and I nearly shrieked and jumped on the couch. I told myself to calm down and take a deep breath.

"Yes. I'm actually in Detroit at this moment." I said hoping that I could go and see this guy as soon as possible.

"Wonderful. Will be ok if we schedule a interview for let's say tomorrow afternoon at 4pm?" He asked and I nodded my head excitedly, but then remembered that he couldn't see me so I cleared my throat.

"Yes. That sounds perfect. Thank you." I said beaming like an idiot.

"See you then Miss Donovan." He said and then hung up the phone. Once I put my phone down I jumped up and down squealing like a fucking loon I was so excited. For the rest of my day I couldn't stop smiling. I had to remind myself to calm down and not get too excited for this seeing as there was a possibility that I didn't even get the job.

My mom and Craig were both surprised when they got home and found a decent home cooked meal ready for them. I made some roast chicken with rice, potatoes, gravy, green beans and carrots. My mom kept eyeing me like I was hiding something and I just smiled at her. Marshall called a little later that night and asked if I wanted to hang after his shift. I wish I could but I had the interview.

That night I couldn't fall asleep and my mind was racing. First I was super happy and excited and couldn't wait and then I started to get nervous and scared. What if I screw up the interview or what if they don't like me and I don't get the job? My mind eventually shut down and I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up after two in the afternoon. My eyes widened at them time and I swear I've never gotten up that fast and gotten ready so fast in my life. I was in and out of the shower within 7minutes. And that includes washing and conditioning my hair. I darted over to the room I was currently staying in and almost threw all my clothes out on the bed or floor, looking for something appropriate to wear. I decided to go with a white button down blouse with long sleeves and a pair of black slacks with my black coat with big buttons. I blew out my hair and put minimal make up on. Eyeliner, foundation and mascara with some clear lip gloss.

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