Move? With you?

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Chapter 44

This has been the longest and most boring summer vacation ever. I tried to convince Becky and Archie to visit but they were being very weird and secretive about their life's lately. It hurt me because I though Becky and I were best friends. I mean we used to tell each other everything and all but apparently not.

Marshall got back a couple of days ago and he bought a house for them. It was a pretty big house with a backyard for Hailie and Alaina and big enough so everyone had their own spacious room. I even had my own room there for whenever I needed to chill, Marshall's exact words.

Todd asked me out to dinner yesterday and that it why I was currently standing in front of the mirror making sure that I looked ok for the dinner. He said to dress smart so I went with the black dress I wore to Marshall's wedding, since I only had one other dress and that didn't seem appropriate.

My hair was left in soft curls that cascaded down my back and I had a little bit of eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss on. I pulled the dress down a little more and reached for my small black jacket to pull over my shoulders. It wasn't cold, I was just feeling a little too exposed. I felt better once I ad my jacket on and then my attention was drawn to the door.

"Coming." I called out to the door. I took one final glance at myself and then reached for my phone and tucked it away in the small clutch purse I had. I made my way to the door and on the way I made sure all the windows were closed. I opened the door to reveal Todd in a fitted grey suit with a white button down shirt, open at the top. He looked handsome.

"Wow, you look gorgeous Kylie." He said kissing my cheek. I slight blush covered my skin and I closed and locked the door.

"Thank you." I said in a small voice. "You looking good yourself." He smiled and held his arm out for me.

"Shall we?" He asked and I nodded with a small smile as I linked my arm through his. We made it to his car and soon we were off to the restaurant he made reservations at. I was looking out of the window the whole time and had a nervous feeling tugging at my stomach, but I ignored it.

"This place looks expensive." I said as Todd came around to open my door for me. I took his hand that he held out for me and he pulled me out,lacing our finger together once he did this. I forced a smile on my face and followed him to the front doors. He opened the door and held it open for me, ever the gentleman.

We got shown to our table and ordered our drinks. I just went for a water while Todd got a whiskey on the rocks. I glanced around at the interior of the place and it was all dark and rich brown with red.

"Do you like it?" Todd asked reaching for my hand. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. It's pretty nice." I said just as the waiter brought our drinks. He said he'd give us a few more minutes to decide what we were going to get and left.

"What are you getting?" Todd asked as we glanced at our menu's.

"The steak, salad and chips sound good." I said and he made a humming sound as if to agree. Our waiter came over and Todd spoke up first.

"I'll have your 500g steak with salad. Medium rare please with the pepper sauce." He said and the guy nodded as he jotted it down. He then turned to me with a warm smile. I smiled back and I saw Todd frown out of the corner of my eye.

"I'll have the 250g steak, well done, with salad and chips and a side of mushroom sauce please." I said as they boy nodded and smiled down at us. He then left and I frowned at Todd who was glaring at the guys back. What the hell was up with this guy?

"So there's a reason I brought you here tonight." Todd said in a soft voice as he leaned closer on the table. I got nervous and my palms got sweaty and my heart was racing.

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