Mindie's Big Day

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Chapter 83

Rihanna had arrived and was going to be in the D for the next few days. I wasn’t quite comfortable with the idea of her and Marshall alone most of the time, but I didn’t say anything about it. I mean I trusted Marshall and I doubt Rihanna would do anything to screw up a family. They still seemed a little too friendly to me.

I have met up with Kevin twice since our meeting and we quickly became friends. I don’t know what it was about him, but he seemed like such a down to earth guy. What bothered me though, was the fact that Marshall didn’t get jealous or possessive when I told him I’m going out for a coffee with Kevin.

"So when is Rihanna going home?" I asked Marshall casually as I looked out the kitchen window.

"Don’t know." He answered me shrugging his shoulders. "We got a good vibe going though. She’s dope." I was so glad I turned my attention back to the window so that he couldn’t see me rolling my eyes. I sighed and then turned around to find Marshall gone. This was really beginning to bug me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I sighed as I took it out. It was a text from Mindie. I swiped my finger over the screen and read the contents.

Mindie – Up for some lunch and coffee?

Me – Sure thing:) Where?

"You made it." Mindie said with a smile as I walked into the small coffee shop. I smiled and rolled my eyes at her as I give her a side hug since I was holding on to Max’s hand.

"I said I would?" I asked her confused and she just chuckled as she bend down to greet Max. "How you doing Max?"

"I’m good thank you Auntie Mindie." He said with a bright smile. Mindie smiled back and ruffled his hair.

"I hope you don’t mind, but Mathew and Kevin are joining us?" She asked with a sheepish shy as she walked over to the table with the two men laughing over something.

"Not at all." I said then turned my attention to the men. "Hi guys." Mathew and Kevin both stood up to greet me. I must admit, I did get a little flustered when Kevin kissed my cheek. He then went down on his hunches to greet Max.

"And who is this little man?" He asked then glanced up at me with a smile. Max drew closer to me and hid behind my hand. I gave his hand a squeeze and he then looked up at me. I gave him a nod to encourage him.

"I’m Max." He said and then took Kevin’s hand to shake it.

"Woah, quite the grip you got there Max." Kevin said joking around as he shook his ‘sore’ hand out. "I’m Kevin."

"What do we say Max?" I asked him with raised eyebrows. When he looked up at me with that annoyed expression, he looked so much like his dad. Shit his dad. I never told Marshall I was leaving.

"Nice to meet you sir." Kevin’s eyes widened and he chuckled as he stood up straight again.

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