He's back

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Chapter 8

"D-Dad?" I stuttered out in disbelieve. Oh please no! Please let this be a dream that I'm going to wake up from.

"Ky?" Marshall asked me confused as he glanced from the man standing on my porch, puffing at his cigarette and my horrified face. I slowly turned my wide eyes from my dad's smirking face to look at Marshall. He looked worried and concerned and I guess it looked like I saw a ghost because he reached up to rub his thumb over me cheek. "Are you ok?"

I glanced at my and he gave me a pointed stare as if to threaten me from saying anything. You see my dad did shit to me and he told me if I ever told anyone, he would kill me. Did I believe him? Yeah I did.

"Well aren't you going to come greet your old man baby?" He asked me in a husky tone. I cringed at his voice and just wanted to bury my face in Marshall's chest and let him take me away from here.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to Ky. You can come with me and we can go watch TV or something." Marshall said putting his hand on my shoulder. I glanced at him with teary eyes and shook my head.

"I no. I-I have to go." I said in a shaky voice. He frowned and searched my eyes for some answers.

"What about your things?" He asked me and I just shrugged.

"Kylie, you better get your fucking ass in this house this minute!" My dad said getting angry and I hated that even more, because then everything is so much worse.

"I have to go Marshall." I whispered as I finally let go of his arm. I glanced down at the ground and was about to walk past him when he grabbed me and pulled me to him.

"Promise me you will call me if anything happens? I'll be here in a flash." He mumbled into my hear. I was too shocked to even put my arms around him and hug him back. I just buried my head in the crook if his neck and let a few tears slide down my face as I dread the next few minutes.

"Kylie! I will not tell you again! Get in the motherfucking house now!" My dad snarled making me jump a little. I walked passed Marshall and didn't spare him a second glance. I walked into the house and heard my dad scoff behind me. He closed the door and I wanted to run to my room but her grabbed my arm and yanked me back to him. "Aren't you happy to see your dad Kylie?"

I whimpered and bowed my head as the tears streamed down my face now. I was yanked again and turned so that we were facing each other and I saw the anger in his eyes.

"I was talking to you, you little bitch!" My dad snapped and I shrunk back. Where was my mom when I needed her?

"S-Sorry." I stuttered in a shaky voice. My face flew to the side as the back of his hand connected with my jaw. I fell to the ground on my knees and clutched my sore cheek as I cried. He yanked me up by my wrist and pulled me to him. His hands started to roam my body and all I wanted to do in this moment was just die!

"I see you've filled out a little more since the last time I saw you." My dad said into my ear as he squeezed one of my breasts. I started to sob and just wish he was dead. What kind of dad would do this to his own daughter. He was a sick fuck and I hated him. I winced as he squeezed my ribs to the point where it was painful and I couldn't breath.

"Let her go Sheldon!" Both our head snapped in the direction my mom's voice came from. My eyes widened and I knew what was going to happen next. My dad threw me to the ground and then stormed towards my mom.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" He snarled as he grabbed my mom's hair and yanked her face closer to his.

"Come to bed with me baby. Leave her. She can't give you what you need. I can." My mom said putting on an act so my dad would leave me alone. I hated that my mom did this, but she did it for me and I wish we never had to be in a situation like this.

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