She's what?

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Chapter 28

God Kim was just a bitch sometimes. Because of her I haven't seen Marshall as much as I was hoping to this summer and it has sadly come to an end. I've had to go back to New York a couple of days ago because the I had an interview at the school a few days before school started again in the fall.

Becky was glad that I was back because she was extremely lonely ever since she found out her boyfriend was actually gay. It broke her but it seems like she got over it quickly because there was a certain someone from Detroit that she kept in contact with. I, however, was sad that I had to come back to New York. I wasn't the only one though.

For some or other reason Marshall thought that I was staying in Detroit and only moving my things at a later stage. Man did that turn into a huge fight between us. Kim loved the fight though because she knew I was going back to New York and wasn't staying there. I have no idea why she thought I was such a treat to her and Marshall. I mean we were seriously just best friends. I bet if she had to find out we slept together she would absolutely flip.

Anyway, Marshall told me that I was being unfair for moving back to New York and he was under the impression that I was staying there. I never said that I was moving back though. I felt bad for leaving Marshall yet again but he had to understand, I had a life too and I needed to look out for myself. And no matter how much I tried to explain to him that I tried to look for a job in Detroit, I coudn't find one. He wasn't particularly happy that I left but we were ok. I will miss him a shitload though.

I also found out why my mom was acting so weird. Turns out she wasn't avoiding me, well she kind of was, because she was spending time with her new boyfriend, Craig, and she didn't know how to tell me. She thought that I would hate the idea but I was actually so happy for her. That meant that was happy and not completely alone. She introduced us the last week before I came back to New York for the first time. Marshall was there too because I was scared naturally but Craig turned out to be a nice person.

My dad was out roaming the streets once again and that made me feel so scared and unsafe. What if he came after me? What was a mere restraining order going to help? My mom said that dad was good and doing better, he even wrote me a letter. I haven't had the courage to read it though to this day. I just don't want to see how much he hates me and shit.

Marshall tried to get me to read the letter, he even said that he would read it but I didn't want to. Marshall understood though and respected my decision. He was truly the best. Its been a couple of months now since I've been back and good gracious its been hectic. I loved teaching, it was amazing to have a class filled with sweethearts. I was a grade one teacher and I absolutely loved it.

Becky ended up teaching at the same school with me but she was a teacher for the 5th graders. They were a little too much for me. I liked the younger ones because they would actually listen and do the work assigned to them where the 5th graders had a little bit of an attitude.

Marshall was working at the Gilbert Lodge just to get by for now and I felt bad because I was earning a good income where as he was struggling. He was my best friend and I wanted to help him as much as I possibly could. He always said he was fine though.

Winter break ended a couple of days ago and I really wanted to go back home for Christmas but I couldn't. Becky was sick and she needed someone to look after her and seeing as I 'm her best friend I did it. Marshall was working in any case and was being Kim's little bitch so even if I was there I wouldn't see him. Mom wouldn't have been home either because she's practically almost moved in with Craig. They seemed very happy.

Today was Friday and I was extremely happy that it was weekend. I've had a long week and the snow and cold was so not my thing. On Friday's we got to go home earlier than other days so Becky and I were currently on the way home.

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