Best friends

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Chapter 3

"Come on sweety. It's time to get up." My mom said while sitting on my bed and kissing my head. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. My mom was smiling at me as she brushed some of my hair from my face.

"Morning Mom." I said in a groggy voice. She smiled and kissed my head again as I yawned.

"Get up, or you'll be late. I'll see you after work sweety." She smiled and I nodded. My mom left for work early in the mornings so she made sure to wake me so that she can see me before she leaves for work. I loved my mom to bits and I was grateful that I at least still head her.

I pushed my covers from my body and sat up in my bed and stretched. I made a weird squeaking noise as I stretched, I always make that noise. I got up and made my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I sighed as I opened my closet and searched through it for something to wear. I grabbed my faded jeans, a black t-shirt, that was too big for me and my black hoodie which was also to big for me. I gasped as I saw a few small red marks on my body. No doubt they were from the dish towel war we had last night. I smiled even though they hurt a little when I put pressure on them. I sat on my bed and slipped on my worn out black converse and then grabbed my backpack.

I put my backpack on the chair in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk. I sat quietly at the small table and ate my breakfast. Once I was done I went to go brush my teeth then made my out the door. I locked it and turned around and yelped as I jumped about ten feet in the air.

"Hey Ky." Marshall said with a small smile then frowned at me as I placed my hand over my heart that was beating erratically. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Is ok." I said panting a little. He scared the living day light out of me. I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair. "What's up?"

"My mom sent me to come get you." He shrugged and then shoved his hands in his baggy jean's pockets.

"Why?" I asked as I pulled my hood up over my head.

"To drive with us." He shrugged but then glanced at me. "But only if you want?"

"Sure. Thanks." I said as we turned and walked over to his mom's car. From what I gathered she was in the midst of opening her own limo company or something.

"Good morning Kylie." Debbie smiled as she came out of the house with Nathan in her arms.

"Morning Debbie." I said then looked down at the ground. I was still a little shy, since I didn't really know her. Marshall nudged me and nodded to the car. I followed him and got in after him.

Debbie got in and put Nathan in his seat up front. Then I remembered the marks all over my body. I nudged Marshall and glared at him.

"What was that for?" He asked with a frown, rubbing his ribs from the nudge.

"I have marks all over my body from you." I said with a glare. His eyes widened and then his lips started tugging into a smile.

"Let's see." He asked amused. I glanced at Debbie then at him again and shook my head.

"Not now." I whispered. He frowned at me and I sighed nodding to his mother. He looked at her then back at me and made an 'oh' face. I nodded and then turned to look out the window. We had finally made it to the school and I got out.

"Thank you for the ride Debbie." I smiled shyly at her as she got out of the car too. She walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You're welcome sweety. You're more than welcome to drive along every morning. I just can't pick you guys up from school." She smiled and I nodded. "Come on Marshall. I need to get you signed in and everything at the office."

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