Final straw

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Chapter 68

"Knock, knock." I said before I pushed the door open. I popped my head in and found Marshall sitting up in his hospital bed. He turned his head to me and smiled. He had his glasses perched on his nose and looked too damn adorable.

"Hey baby." He said as I walked in. His eyes lit up when he saw Max in my arms. "Max! Daddy missed you."

"Did you miss us too Daddy?" Hailie asked as she stepped in after me. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. She hasn't been handling what she saw too well. She begged every night if she could see her dad, but they didn't allow them. I had to persuade the nurses just to let Marshall see his children.

"Come here baby." Marshall said holding his arms open for Hailie. Lainie walked in, holding Whitney's hand but she stopped next to me as Marshall and Hailie hugged it out. As soon as Hailie dropped into her dads arms she started to let it all out.

"Please don't do that again Daddy." Hailie said looking up at her dad.

"I'm so sorry baby." Marshall said squeezing his eyes shut. He sighed and then kissed the top of her head. "I promise you, Daddy will never do that again." I had to swallow past the lump in my throat. I looked down to find Lainie wiping at her eyes too. Whit was still too small to really understand. "Lainie baby, come here." Marshall waved her over.

"Daddy." She sobbed as she put her arms around his neck. Hailie had since stepped back and picked Whitney up onto the bed.

"Daddy is so sorry. I love you girls so much." He said pulling Whitney into his lap and giving her a kiss. Whitney smiled and then jumped off the bed. Hailie and Lanie nodded and then replied with an I love you too. "Baby?" Marshall asked with a frown. I was standing just inside the door, smiling at them with tears in my eyes.

"Oh sorry." I snapped out of my daze and started walking further into the room. Max beamed when he saw his dad. "Hey baby. How you feeling?" I asked Marshall as I bend over to kiss him.

"I'm getting there baby." He said then turned his attention to Max in my arms. He smiled and held his arms out to him. "Hey Max. Daddy's big boy." Marshall said as he kissed the top of Max's head.

"When do you get to go home Daddy?" Hailie asked from next to him and he looked at her and shrugged.

"I don't know baby. Hopefully soon. I miss you guys too much when I'm here." He said and Hailie frowned.

"So you're going to miss Christmas and my birthday?" Hailie asked very sad. I walked around the bed and brought her closer to me. Marshall gave her a sorry smile and I rubbed her arm.

"How about we bring your dad some food tomorrow and open a few presents here?" I asked the girls and their faces lit up and nodded. The rest of the visiting hours we just talked about and discussed what we wanted to do tomorrow.

It was time for us to leave and the girls were really upset that we had to leave. Even Maxwell got a little upset and didn't want me to take him from his dad. It broke my heart to see the kids so upset.

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