Up In Smoke Tour Part 1

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Chapter 46

It was now the year 2000. A new millennium and everyone was making such a huge fuss over the damn year. To me it was just another year. Nothing special there. The only thing exciting about this year was Marshall had a new album out. The Marshall Mathers LP. It was released in May and did so well it was insane.

This album though, was a little darker than the previous one, like he was taking out his anger and shit out on the people and critics. Poor Debbie also got it bad but Kim got it the worst.

The last couple of months have been hard on Marshall and we spent less and less time together. He was either busy or touring to promote his album. He also had a few law suits running and I knew they were eating him alive. Even Debbie sued him for $10million for slander. Marshall was really pissed at her and they had a huge fight but it seems to have died down now.

He also seemed to have chosen the wrong house to buy, because he frequently got harassed by fans knocking on the door or blocking the drive way for him. He got so mad once that he pulled out an unloaded gun just to scare them away. Yeah that ended in a charge against him.

Then he had all the gay people against him too. They really didn't like Marshall and to be honest I had no idea why. I mean yeah his songs are a bit much sometimes but that's what they are, songs. Like the song Kill You. People seriously took that song too personally oh and Kim. I know Marshall and he would never hit a woman. Maybe shove or grab a little too hard yeah, but beat her? Never.

Kim on the other hand was a different story. She slapped Marshall a few times, but I was secretly enjoying it. He was kind of a real asshole now that he was famous. I think he let it all go to his head and he thought he was the shit sometimes. But yeah I think Marshall deserved better than Kim, just saying because I had a feeling she was cheating and Denaun actually saw her with another guy. Marshall of course did not believe him.

Did I mention that Marshall was also under two years of probation? Well yeah he was. He apparently saw Kim kissing some bouncer at The Hard Rock Cafe a few days ago and he assaulted the guy and he had a concealed weapon on him. He pleaded guilty and since the weapon was concealed he got out with a fine and probation. Dumb ass I tell you.

I was really worried about him though, his pill popping has been a little out of control and I tried talking to him about it but him being him, told me not to worry and that he had it all under control. I really hope he did. He left for tour a couple days ago and took Nate with him. I really missed him ad had no one here with me.

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I walked into the kitchen.

"You're still coming tomorrow night right?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why I'm great thanks and yourself?" I asked him and I heard him sigh and I knew I was going to hear it now.

"Cut the fucking crap Ky. Are you still coming? Because I haven't heard from you in over a week." He said sounding annoyed.

"Well maybe if you checked your phone more often and stop fucking sluts so much then maybe you would have seen that I tried to call you a couple of times fuck face." I snapped at him.

"Fuck face? Really?" He asked me and I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Yeah. You're a fuck face." I said plopping down on the couch.

"Fuck you Ky." He said but that just made me laugh even more.

"Aw did I hurt little Marshmallow's feelings?" I asked him and he had a few choice words to say over the phone.

"Why you got to be such a bitch to me Ky-bear?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Because someone needs to remind you that Slim Shady is not the fucking king." I said and he scoffed.

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