Mixed feelings

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Chapter 54

I woke up in the arms of Marshall the next morning. He was still snoring softly and I smiled. We didn't move from the position we fell asleep in and it felt amazing to be this close to him with nothing between us.

I sighed and thought about last night. Yeah I blushed and bit my lip as I felt that annoying throbbing feeling between my legs just thinking about it. Damn it was better than I remembered it ever being.

His lips on my skin, scorching it with his touch. They way he looked at me and worshiped my body with his hands and mouth. The way my body reacted to him and fit perfectly with his. You'd think with the way he was staring and looking at me last night that I would feel uncomfortable, but I didn't. I felt sexy with him.

I squirmed in his arms and tried to not wake him. But hot damn was I turned on right now. I stilled when I felt him tighten his arms around me and let out a sigh.

"Please tell me last night wasn't just another dream." He mumbled in that sexy deep voice of his with his eyes still closed.

"Depending on what your dream was about." I said smiling up at him. He opened his eyes and I was met with those gorgeous blues that I loved so much. He smiled and rubbed his hand down the side of my body, giving me chills.

"You see. I was sitting in the back and then this sexy ass chick came." He said and stopped his hand behind my knee and hitched my leg up over his legs so that I felt his erection brush over my entrance. "And we did naughty things." He murmured as he nuzzled the skin under my ear.

"What naughty things?" I asked in a breathy voice. He started to kiss my neck and moved to my jaw before he reached my lips.

"Let me show you." He said against my lips as he pulled me closer to him and thrust into me. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. The moment his tongue met mine, everything else just disappeared. He started to slowly move in me and I moaned into his mouth as I clutched at his back.

He moved so that he was laying on his back and and I was straddling him. I threw my head back as he filled me. He reached up and let his hands glide over my body from my neck, over my breasts and my stomach. He traced my tattoo's and when he traced his name on my ribs with a small smile I shivered.

"I love seeing my name on you." He said and I bit my lip as he held my hips and made me slowly move on him. I let out a moan and was scared that the others would hear us. Marshall sat up and crashed his lips to mine as his hands went into my hair, making goosebumps rise on my skin.

We climaxed at the same time and I rested my forehead against his as I tried to cath my breath. We were both panting hard as he held me close to him. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He smiled too and leaned in to kiss me. I have no idea how long we just sat there like that, with him still inside of me.

"As much as I would love to be buried in you the whole day." Marshall said kissing me before lifting me off of him. I bit my lip and let out a small moan as he pulled out of me, making him smirk. "But I really need a shower." He said and my tummy grumbled in that moment, making me giggle.

"And I really need to eat." He smiled at me and I moved off him. He watched me as I grabbed my clothes and started getting dressed. He got up too and pulled his white boxers on then snaked his arms around me from behind. I smiled and leaned into him.

"I think you need to shower first." He said into my ear and grazing my earlobe with his teeth. I shivered and he chuckled as I shook my head. As much as I would have loved to shower with Marshall, I really needed to eat or my stomach would start digesting me.

We walked out of the back lounge with Marshall still holding me from behind and us chuckling and giggling. We stumbled a bit but then fell i step with each other. Once we made it through the bunk room, it went deadly silent. We both looked up and found that everyone that was awake and sitting there, was staring at us.

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