Up In Smoke Tour Part 3

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Chapter 48

"Come on Ky. One verse from one song. That's all I'm asking for." Marshall said with a small smile. I had my arms crossed and was glaring at him. After I gave him the mic back, he started begging and pleading me to just rap something.

"I don't even rap Marshall. Why do you want me to to try so badly?" I asked him while letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Because I want to hear you. I bet you'll sound so cute." He said winking at me and I groaned.

"Not helping Marshmallow. Please can we just go already? I'm hungry and tired." I said and Marshall shook his head.

"First rap, then we go." He said with a smile. He looked so cute but I really didn't wanna make a fool out of myself. I glanced at Dre and he just shrugged. Great he wasn't going to help me either and I wasn't even trying Proof. He just agreed with Marshall.

"Urg! Fine." I groaned and threw my hands up in the air. "But if either of you laugh. I will rip your balls off and shove them up your ass so far you'll choke on them." I said pointing a finger at Marshall, Proof, Paul and Dre. They all nodded with wide eyes and I took a deep breath.

"Ready when you are Ky." Marshall said and I glared at him making him shut up immediately. He pressed his lips together in a thin line and acted as if he zipped his mouth and threw away the key. I nearly smiled at that, but then I remembered what he wanted me to do. Just breath and do it Kylie. It will get the asshole off your back.

"Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of gibberish and motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre." Once I was done I opened my eyes and took in a well needed breath. Damn I don't know how he does it. I glanced around the room and saw Dre staring at me in disbelief, Proof was stunned into silence, that barely happens, Paul's mouth was open and Marshall had a smile threatening to spread over his face. "I sweat to god if you laugh."

"I aint laughing at you Ky." Marshall said holding his hands up in defense.

"Then why do you have that stupid ass grin on your face?" I asked as I felt my cheeks slightly heating up.

"Because." Marshall started as he stepped closer to me and pulled my into his arms and rested his chin my head. "That was pretty good and you look cute when you rap." He said making me blush even more.

"Oh shut up." I said shoving him off of me. "I'm hungry. Can we eat now?" I asked and he smiled and nodded.

"Yo Kylie. Maybe you should come on tonight and rap with me." Dre said as we walked over to the dressing rooms where there was food. Someone was kind enough to go get all of us burgers and I was about to inhale four of them. Not really though.

"Nah, I wouldn't wanna steal his shine." I said patting Marshall on his chest. He rolled his eyes at me and I winked at him before walking into the room and straight to the food. I groaned internally when I saw Betty and John. They were sitting with drinks in their hands. I swear they were just using Marshall but I kept that to myself.

"Hey Ky." Nate said in a bored tone as I sat down next to him.

"What's up Nate?" I asked him with a frown.

"I'm bored as fu- uh hell." He said quickly changing his words but that just made me laugh.

"I'm sorry Nate. Wanna go do something fun for a while?" I asked him and he nodded but then he slouched back into his chair.

"Yeah, but everyone is either too busy or drunk to ever do anything with me." He said with a sigh.

"Well I'm here right now and I'm not busy or drunk." I said with a small smile. Nate's face lit up and he sat up. "Now I don't know where the hell we are or what the hell there is here that's fun, but I could use some ice cream right now."

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