Warped tour

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Chapter 42

"So what are your plans for dinner tonight?" Todd asked over the phone.

"Hmm I was thinking of just ordering in." I said with a small shrug.

"Well how about I get us something on the way home from work and then you go get us a few movies and we have a quiet night in?" Todd suggested and I smiled at how cute that was.

"Well are you finally asking me out on a date Mr Martins?" I asked as I reached my car. I was visiting Nate and Debbie for the day.

"Yes, yes I am." He said a weird voice making me giggle.

"Ok never do that again please." I said and this time he was the one laughing. "So I'll see you in a few then?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way home now." He said and I frowned.

"Thought you were stopping for food first?" I asked and he gave a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, about that. You see I was already waiting for the food when I phoned you." He said and I rolled my eyes at that.

"So what if I had other plans tonight?" I asked him and he was silent for a while.

"Well if you had other plans it would have consisted of Marshall or Proof and they're both on tour along with the other guys so yeah." He said and I sighed. He just had to bring up that I was yet again lonely. At least I had him to still keep me company.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Well I'll see you in a few then." I said and after that we said our bye's and hung up. It's been three weeks since Marshall and the guys went on tour and damn did I miss them. I couldn't wait for Monday, that's when they'll be here and that's when I get to see them again.

I drove to the video store and roamed around until I got what I wanted. I hoped Todd liked the movies I got. I did't like scary movies and shit so I was kind of glad he asked me to choose the movies. I made it to my apartment and decided to just go straight to Todd's. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. He opened the door with a smile.

"Hey beautiful." He said pulling me in for a hug. I blushed at his silly comment and hugged him back.

"Hey T." He pulled back and smiled at me. He looked like he had just finished with a shower. His hair was still slightly wet and he smelled nice and fresh. He wore black pyjama pants and a white fitted tank top.

"So I got us Chinese. I hope you don't mind?" He asked as he stepped aside so that I can step into his apartment.

"Nope." I said popping the p "I got us A Bugs Life, The Matrix and The Waterboy." I said showing him the movies.

"A Bugs Life?" He asked me as he took the video from my hands to examine it with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. I like animations. Sue me." I said shrugging and taking the movie back from him. He shook his head and chuckled as he closed the door. I smiled and put all the video's down on the coffee table. He came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned to face him. He was smiling down at me and I smiled up at him.

Even though this was not the feeling I was hoping to get when I'm in his arms, it was still nice. Todd closed his eyes as he rested his forehead against mine. We have decided to take things slow and this far Todd has been very understanding.

"Are you hungry baby?" He asked me and I nodded. I was indeed starving. He smiled and leaned in to close the small gap between our lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It was just a small peck though, nothing too much. Come to think of it, we haven't even made out yet. It was always just a small kiss we shared here and there. "Then lets eat."

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