What did I just say?

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Chapter 14

"Do you really need to leave tomorrow?" Marshall asked letting out a sigh. We were currently in the living room watching TV and he had his head on my lap, looking up at me all sad and gloom.

"I have work the day after tomorrow, so sadly yes." I said giving him a small smile as I played with his short hair.

"So you can quit your job, stay till next year and then get a new job." Marshall suggested with a hopeful smile. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I wish it was that easy Marshmallow. It's not that easy to find a good paying job in New York. It took me forever just to get this job I have now." I said and he frowned as he pursed his lips. Oh my how cute he looked.

"I hate you Ky." He said closing his eyes and pulling the blanket that was draped over him higher up.

"Don't say that Marshall." I whispered and felt how my heart broke. I know he didn't mean it like that, but I was sad because I hated leaving him behind. I hated being away from him and most of all I hated missing him.

"Then stay Ky. There are plenty of college's you can go here." He said opening his eyes.

"Marshall I can't. NYU is a very good university and I have a full scholarship there. I can't just pack up and leave. It hasn't even been a full year yet." I said and I could see that he was getting annoyed with me.

"Whatever Kylie." He said sitting up. I sighed and shivered from the lack of heat from him now.

"You can always come with me? Get a job and then we can become roomies." I said and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"I can't do that Kylie. I'm starting to make a name for myself here underground. I can't just give up my dream like that." He snapped and I flinched and shrunk back into the couch.

"They rap in New York too you know." I said in a small voice and the glare he gave me sent chills down my spine.

"Do you have any idea how difficult it is for a fucking white boy to make a motherfucking name for himself in rap? It's not that easy Kylie. Changing schools is easy." He said and now I was getting a little mad too.

"Oh so you won't give up your dream for me but I must do it for you?" I asked him glaring back at him.

"That's not what I said Kylie!" He said getting up with his voice getting louder and angrier. I'm surprised Debbie hasn't come to see what was going on.

"That's exactly what you said Marshall!" I yelled back and then got in his face. We stood there glaring at each other for a while then he groaned.

"You make me so mad!" He exclaimed and raised both his hands to grab his head. I cringed and squeezed my eyes shut at his actions. I know Marshall will never hurt me, but it was just instinct. "Ky?" He asked as he placed both his hand on my shoulders. I flinched and opened my eyes to find him looking at me concerned.

"Well if I make you so mad then maybe we should't be friends anymore." I said in a shaky voice as I shrugged his hands off my shoulders. His jaw dropped as he looked at me in astonishment. I pushed passed him and made my way to the door.

"Well fuck you too Kylie. If that's what you want. You got it!" He snapped and I hurried out the door. I slammed the door shut and ran to my house. I really hope my mom doesn't see me right now, I don't want to tell her what just happened. I let out a sigh when I saw my mom wasn't home. I walked straight to my bed and crawled under the sheets as I bawled my eyes out.

I didn't mean what I said, that I don't want us to be friends anymore. I was angry and mad and pissed off at him and I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it. I saw the hurt in his eyes when I said it, but he didn't have to say what he did. It tore my heart in a million pieces.

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