It's happening

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Chapter 29

"You are still coming right?" Marshall asked me eagerly into the phone for about the third time on this call alone.

"Yes Marshall, I told you before that I'm still coming." I said with a chuckle and roll of the eyes.

"I'm just making sure." He said laughing too. Marshall was so excited, because it has finally rolled around to the time of the birth of his baby. I only saw him once in this whole year and that was when I drove to Detroit for spring break so see everyone.

"Well I need to go so that I can pack, otherwise I'll not make it." I said with a sigh. As much as I would like to stay on the phone with Marshall, I had some packing that needed to be done.

"Yeah ok Ky. See you tomorrow?" He asked with hope in his voice and I rolled my eyes at him. I just said a few seconds ago that I'm still going for winter break.

"Yes Marshmallow. I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a giggle and hung up after we said our bye's. "Hey Becky?" I called out to her from the kitchen.

"Yeah Ky?" She called back from the lounge I think.

"What time is Archie coming?" I asked her walking out of the kitchen with a frown. Yeah you guessed it, Becky and Archie have somewhat become a thing. He was coming to spend Christmas with her while I'm in Detroit and this will be the first time they're seeing each other since my 21st birthday.

"He should actually be here soon." She said glancing at the clock on the wall. She looked at me then frowned. "Shouldn't you be packing?"

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with Marshall." I said with a small smile thinking of him.

"Oh, and what does Marshall say?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"That he's back together with Kim and he's super excited for the baby's arrival." I said with a small sigh. Yeah him and Kim broke up yet again and she was actually threatening him with not seeing his unborn child. I felt so bad for him and wished so badly that I could have been there for him.

"Really? Those two give me a headache." She said rolling her eyes as I sat down next to her.

"You're telling me." I said letting out a sigh as I leaned my head back against the couch.

"And how is his recording going?" She asked and I shrugged.

"He didn't say." Marshall has been going in to a studio with two brothers that was helping him to record an EP and was going to help him get it out. I was excited for him and hoped that it worked out for him. We sat in silence for a while until the knock at the door broke through the silence. Becky let out a soft squeal as she looked at me then literally jumped up and sprinted to the door.

"Archie!" She exclaimed as she threw the door open. I chuckled under my breath once I saw her being lifter into the air. I looked away, feeling like I was intruding on them as Archie laid a kiss on her. Wow, I knew they liked each other but not that much yet. Guess I was wrong.

"Oh hey Ky." Archie said as he came into the apartment with a bag slung over his shoulder. I smiled and got up from my seat.

"You know, you used to be so excited to see me and now.." I trailed off as I gave him a hug.

"Aww I'm sorry Ky. I'm still excited to see you, you're my baby sis and I love you." He said resting his chin on my head. I giggled and then pulled out of the hug.

"It's good to see you Arch." I smiled and punched his shoulder. "But I need to go pack."

"Why?" He asked pulling his eyebrow together in a frown.

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