Just great

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Chapter 25

Waking up with a pounding head, dry mouth and feeling like a damn freight train ran you over is no fun. I groaned and then stopped as last nights memories came rushing back to me. I gasped and then turned around to see Marshall sound asleep behind me with his arm still securely around me. Oh my fuck! Marshall and I slept together last night. I didn't know if I should be happy or mad at myself for giving in to him. But come on, who wouldn't give in to those damn blue eyes.

I put my hand to my forehead trying to dull the pounding of my head but it was no use. I looked around the room and then almost let out a giggle. It must not have worked because Marshall's deep sleep laced voice startled me.

"What's so funny Ky?" He asked and I turned to look at him, making sure to keep the sheet around me so that nothing was showing. Marshall didn't move his arm, he kept it around me the whole time, only lifting it enough for me to turn around.

"Denaun is going to kill us." I said giggling again. I doubt he will appreciate us having sex in his bed.

"Fuck him. I'm sure he would do it to me too so." Marshall shrugged then opened his eyes for the first time. Those striking blue eyes looked back at me making my heart speed up. He smiled at me and then the smile turned to a smirk. "How do you feel today?"

"I'm uh I'm a little uh sore." I said looking down and blushing like crazy. Marshall chuckled and I shoved his chest. After a while the room went silent and I started to think. Did last night mean something to him or was it just a easy fuck? I sighed and then decided not to ask him. I already knew the answer to the question.

"Ky?" He asked and I looked up at him and he frowned at me. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I didn't even noticed that my eyes were filled with tears so I blinked them away and shook my head.

"It's nothing Marshmallow." I said giving him a small smile. "I'm ok. Just yeah. I uh need to use the bathroom." I said sitting up with the sheets still around me.

"Put this on Ky." Marshall said from behind me and I could hear the hurt in his voice. I looked over my shoulder and saw him holding his shirt out to me. I smiled and took it from him but he was still frowning at me.

"Thank you." I said quickly pulling it over my head then got up. I made sure that I pulled the shirt down when I was standing next to the bed. I didn't want him seeing anything and I felt a little shy standing here in nothing but his shirt. Marshall pushed himself up on his elbows and watched me as I pulled my jeans on and then grabbed my bra and hoodie. I couldn't find my shirt anywhere.

I left the room with red cheeks and a broken heart. As much as I loved and enjoyed last night it was a huge mistake. Marshall still just saw me as his pathetic little best friend and that's all I'll ever be to him. We should have never slept together in the first place.

"Shit sorry." I mumbled under my breath as I bumped into someone and dropped my clothes I held in my arms. I looked up and found a smirking Proof.

"It's a'ight." He smirked most probably because he saw me in Marshall's shirt and then he bent down to pick up my bra. I went redder than red and snatched it out of his hands. "Looks like someone had fun."

"Oh shut it Proof." I snapped at him and then felt the tears return.

"Sorry Ky. Hey what's wrong girl?" He asked putting a hand on my shoulder looking into my eyes with concerned ones. I looked at him and shook my head and brushed past him. I knew I could tell Proof but I was scared that he would go and say something to Marshall and if there was still a chance we could be the way we used to then I'm not going to risk it.

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