Interesting dinner

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Chapter 37

Since I had almost the whole morning to myself I decided to get up and decorate a little. I was able to slip out yesterday to go get Hailie and Lanie something for Christmas and of course Hailie's first birthday.

In the old house we always had a small Christmas tree with little decorations and when I moved, my mom insisted I take it. So at least the place looked a little festive. There were even a few mistletoe's here and there.

I was currently in the kitchen, deciding whether to bake the chocolate cake I wanted to make first or start on the turkey? I decided it would be best to bake the cake first, since it wont take too long, then I can have everything done once everyone started to arrive.

I wanted to call my mom, but it was only around 9AM here making it like 6AM in Cali and I didn't want to wake them. I was quite excited about today, but nervous at the same time. I know these guys and they will all most probably end up giving Todd a hard time. And the one who will do it the most will be my dearest friend, Marshall.

So far it was only going to be Marshall, Kim, Proof, Denaun, Swifty, Bizarre, Bugs, Kuniva, Todd and myself. Proof said his girl was going to her family or something and they're on bad terms because of him getting her pregnant and all that shit but whatever. Marshall knows too well how that feels.

After the cake was done, I put on a plate so that it could cool off for a while so that when I ice it, the icing wont melt. I then started on the rest of the food. The kitchen was a terrible mess once I was done. Like woah. I groaned at the fact that I had to do all the dishes now and later when everyone leaves. Oh joy.

It was two hours before everyone would start arriving. The place was clean and now I started to worry about where everyone would sit. I looked to the door and then back to the lounge, wondering if Todd didn't have like two chairs I could borrow. Me being the nervous little girl I am, started to get all shaky and shy when I thought of asking him for chairs.

"Stop being such a fucking wuss man." I whispered to myself and took my apron off and walked to the door. I stepped out and stood in front of his door. I took in a deep breath and then knocked on the door softly. I wonder if he even heard it? I guess he did, because when I looked up I looked into that cute smile and pretty eyes of his.

"Merry Christmas neighbour." He beamed at me as he held on to the door.

"Thanks. Y-You too." I stuttered out. Smooth Kylie, real smooth.

"So can I help you with anything?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh uh yeah I was uh just like kind of wondering if you like had maybe two like uh chairs that uh we could like possibly uh use tonight?" What the hell was that? Todd chuckled at my extremely awesome talking skills and nodded.

"Yeah, I have a few to spare. How many do you need?" He asked still amused by my little stutter fest.

"Only two I think? Yeah two will be ok." I said making him chuckle again.

"Do you want to take them now or.." He trailed off and for a moment I kinda got lost in his eyes. But there were no eyes that kept me captive like those blues eyes that so often did that. I shook my head and then smiled too.

"Can I maybe take them now? If you don't mind." I asked, hoping that he wouldn't mind me taking them now. I just wanted everything to e set up when everyone came later on. He smiled and shook his head.

"Not at all. Just hold on, I'll go get the chairs for you." He said and turned around, leaving me standing at the door, feeling a little awkward. He came back holding two chairs. "Here you go."

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