Yet Another Wedding

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Chapter 58

I was standing in my new kitchen, leaning against the counter as I frowned down at the ivory card that had nice writing and patterns on. I have since moved from my other apartment. I just felt it was time for change. After I woke up that Morning with Marshall gone I straightened myself out and decided to go on with my life.

Well it was a week after he left and I didn't hear from him that I was only able to actually getting out of bed and stop crying. I never thought that he would ditch me just like that, I guess he did and I wasn't good enough for him anymore and that our friendship was over.

About a month after the incident, he called and explained that he had some shit that he had to work through. He told me that he had checked into rehab and that he absolutely hated it. I laughed at that and made sure that he was sticking it out. He promised he would but broke that promise not long after.

We haven't really been the same after what happened on tour. I see Proof and the guys more than I see him and I hate it. I miss him, even if he's just back in my life as my loony best friend. I don't care, I just want him back in my life.

And that brings us to the card that was clutched in my right hand and I'm sure if it was a living thing it would cower away from my glare. I've read this card so fucking many times that my eyes hurt from looking at it.

'We are delighted to invite you to attend the wedding ceremony uniting Kimberly Ann Scott Mathers and Marshall Bruce Mathers III..'

I didn't care about what the rest said, because that first line was more than enough for me to break down again. I thought I was ok with us just being friends again, but now he remarrying her? I shook my head and tossed the card aside.

I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and walked to my lounge that was slightly bigger than the other one. This apartment had two bedrooms and my bedroom had an en suite bathroom, which I preferred. I plopped down in the couch and just stared at the blank TV as a few tears escaped my eyes.

I had no idea how long I was sitting there for when there was a knock at my door. I mentally groaned and wished the person will just leave. I really don't feel like seeing anyone right now.

"Come on Ky. I know you in there." Proof called through the door. I sighed and got up.

"Yeah whatever." I said walking to the door and opening it. I turned around and walked straight to my kitchen to grab two beers. Proof was already sitting when I handed him his beer.

"It's barely ten in the morning Kylie." He said frowning at me. I shrugged and plopped down next to him taking a swig of my beer.

"I've had a shit morning ok." I said giving him a scowl. He smiled and shrugged then taking a swig of his own beer.

"You've been quiet Ky." He said resting his head against the back of the couch and turning it to face me. "You ok?"

"I honestly don't know anymore. I thought I was ok, but yeah." I said looking down at the beer held in my lap. "Guess I was wrong." I mumbled the last bit and then my tummy grumbled. Proof got up and walked to my kitchen, I frowned at him and followed him.

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