8 Mile

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Chapter 52

Filming on 8 Mile was almost done and I've been getting really worried about Marshall. He's been working himself so hard and the few times I saw him he was acting strange. Like he was high but he wasn't and his eyes showed how tired he really was.

I missed seeing him again, because now he was always on set. There were rare days like on weekends when I got the chance to see him. It was Friday today and I rarely went out anymore. You see since that day Marshall and I went for a walk and ended up in an ally after running away.

My face was all over the news, internet and magazines with Marshall. Asking who the mystery girl was that was making the Eminem smile like that. Paul had to clear it up and of course he asked me if it was fine if my first name was given to the public and what me relationship was. At first I didn't want to but Marshall promised that no one will bother me after. I eventually gave in and agreed.

Proof's been doing great with Sharonda and the kids and the rest of the guys too. They've been on the set with Marshall mostly. But Proof and I used to talk on the phone a lot. He said he was a little worried about Marshall too and that he's been catching him popping pills. That made me so worried and the fact that I couldn't talk to him made me even crazier.

"Hello?" I answered my phone after the third ring.

"Hey Kylie." I paused and took a minute to rack my brains for why she was calling me. I mean it's not like we weren't on good terms, but she never phoned me.

"Kim?" I asked still a little unsure that I was hearing the voice right.

"Uh yeah. Sorry, I'm not bothering you am I?" She asked and she sounded nervous.

"No not at all. How are you?" I asked her to be polite. I heard her sigh and that made me frown.

"I'm uh..I'm ok." She said in a shaky voice. Ok she was freaking me out. What if something happened to the girls. I immediately started to panic.

"Kim? Is everything ok? You sound a little off." I said and I heard her chuckle nervously.

"Actually no I'm not. Well I am but I'm in a bit of a mess." She said and I frowned waiting for her to carry on. "Is there anyway we can meet up for coffee?" She asked and I sat up.

"Sure. When and where?" I asked and I heard shuffling on the other side of the line.

"You know the Starbucks close to my parents place?" She asked and I nodded until I realized that she couldn't see me so I hummed a yes. "There in an hour?"

"Yeah sure ok. I'll see you then." I said still very confused.

"hey Kylie?" She asked before I could hang up. "Thanks." And before I could say anything she hung up. I frowned at my phone and tried to figure out what that was all about. That was a really strange phone call. I sighed and got up to change into more comfortable clothes. I went with a plain denim and just a hoodie and my converse. I was in no mood for dress up and it was just a coffee.

I made it to the Starbucks on time and walked in to look for Kim. I spotted her sitting in the corner by a window as she sat there staring out. The girls weren't with her and I wondered where they were.

"Hey Kim." I said as I got to her. She jumped a little then looked up at me and scooted out to hug me.

"Thanks for coming Kylie. I didn't know who else to call." She said letting go of me.

"Yeah you're welcome. Uh can I get you something?" I asked her pointing my thumb over my shoulder to the counter.

"Just a water please." She asked then I nodded and quickly went to get her a water and a hot chocolate for myself. I got back to the table and she looked up and gave me a nervous smile.

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