Moving in

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Chapter 35

My mom had literally dragged me into every single store she could possibly find yesterday. I swear it was like she was buying furniture for herself. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom but she just didn't understand it was my place so I had to get furniture that I liked.

We eventually got everything and arranged that it will be dropped off tomorrow because I had no one that would be able to help me today. Marshall and Proof had work and Denaun had some or other excuse so did Swifty and Bizzy, yeah Bizarre was just lazy. My mom and Craig were packing today since they were leaving tomorrow.

I was bored out of my mind today with absolutely nothing to do and no one to go to. I sighed and then decided to go for a drive. Why I went for that drive, I had no idea. I could always go grocery shopping since I already had the keys to my new apartment. I still smiled like a loon every time I said or thought that. My new apartment.

I stopped at the store and pulled my hood up over my beanie, it was freaking freezing outside. I made my way into the store real quick, to get out of the blistering cold wind. I grabbed a trolley and then just started at one isle and walked around. I got everything I thought I needed and then went to my favorite isle. The frozen section. Oh yes! Ice Cream!

I didn't care if it was twenty below freezing, it was never not time for ice cream. I loved that shit and would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yeah I was an addict. After I was sure I had everything I went to the check up line. I was getting agitated for some reason, like it felt like someone was watching me. I kept glancing over my shoulder and there was no one. I came to the conclusion that I was being paranoid. And the fact that I hated being out alone.

After I paid I made my way to the car and then drove off to my apartment. I carried all those heavy bags up to my floor and set them down on the kitchen floor. I started to unpack and figured out what to put where. Once I was done it was already starting to get dark out. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it breathing a little hard.

"Are you ok sweety?" It was my mom. I chuckled and placed my hand over my heart.

"Oh yeah Ma, I'm fine. Just got a fright from my phone." I said and she chuckled too.

"I'm sorry honey. Where are you?" She asked and I could hear the frown in her voice.

"Oh I'm on my way back now. Just got a few things for my place while I had nothing better to do." I said walking out my apartment and locking the door. I looked up to see the guy next to me walk into his apartment, but before he walked in he looked up and smiled and winked at me. I went so red and glanced down at the floor with a small smile. He was hot ok.

"Ok sweety. Drive safe and we'll see you in a few." My mom said and hung up. I walked to the stairs and made my way down to the car. Melanie gave me a glare for who knows what? I swear that chick is the biggest bitch under the sun. It's not my fault she's stuck behind that desk.

I finally made it back to my mom and Craig's, just in time as she set up dinner. We we're going to have one last meal together before they leave. I was starting to really like Craig, he made me think of the times dad used to actually give a rats ass. I pushed that thought out as soon as I thought it. I don't want to think of those times ever.

I said bye to my mom and Craig and wished them a happy and safe trip before I left to go to my apartment. They wouldn't be able to come see the place today since they had a flight to catch. I made sure all my boxes were in my car before I drove off.

"Let's take the couch first, its not as heavy." Marshall said and Proof sighed in defeat. Since they got here they were arguing over who carried up what. It was very annoying.

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