Hella confused

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Chapter 19

"Oh can someone please slap Bizzy and shut him the fuck up?" I croaked out still half asleep. I swear, no one could sleep with that guy snoring.

"Shhh Ky! It's too damn early." Marshall mumbled and turned around so that he was practically laying on top of me. I tried to push him away just to breath normally again, but he wouldn't move an inch. He just nuzzled his face into my neck and tightened his arms around me. You would swear that I was his personal teddy.

After a bit Bizzy stopped snoring and I sighed in relieve and tried to drift off again. I made myself as comfortable as I could with Marshall on top of me and closed my eyes again. I swear someone up there had it in for me and decided that today I will not have more sleep since Bizarre started to snore loudly again.

I groaned and with everything I could, I pushed Marshall off of me, grabbed my pillow and hit Bizzy in the face with the pillow. He made a choking sound then sat up kind of and glared at me.

"Da fuck was that for?" Bizzy asked as he rubbed his head where I hit him.

"Can you like not snore?" I asked him a little annoyed.

"Come on Kylie. It's too early to fight or argue or even be awake for that matter." Proof said in a groggy voice. I snapped my head to him and glared at him as I tossed the pillow in his face. "Oh hell no." He said and tossed it back but the pillows ended up on Marshall's face. I bit my lip to keep from giggling.

"Ok fuck that." Marshall said jumping to his feet and started to swat everything and everyone with his pillow. Soon everyone had a pillow in hand and we had a full blown pillow fight, except for Bizzy, he just went back to sleep.

"Ow fuck Marshall. I'm a girl you know?!" I exclaimed as I glared at him. He shrugged and turned around to hit whoever was hitting him from behind. I stopped and watched how the guys were laughing and smiling. It was good to see Marshall smile for once, I missed that smile.

He caught me staring at him and stopped with what he was doing and smiled at me making my heart speed up and my legs go weak. I blushed and smiled back at him. In that moment it felt like the whole world just stopped and it was just the two of us smiling at each other. He walked closer to me and before I could comprehend what was happening he had his arms around my waist and he picked me up.

"Marshall! Put me down!" I giggled as I tired to get out of his arms but he was just too strong for me. He stumbled back and tripped over something and went flying to the ground. Of course he dragged me down with him since I was in the air and in his arms. I ended up falling on him but straddling his lower stomach with my hands on either side if his face.

"If you guys wanted a minute alone all ya'll need to do was ask." Denaun said winking at me once I glanced up at him. I blushed and looked back to Marshall. He had his hands on my hips and this just felt a little too intimate. He was slightly blushing too.

"Sorry." I mumbled and got up from my spot. Everyone has since calmed down and dropped their pillows.

"I'm hungry yo." Swifty complained from where he was laying.

"Me too." Kuniva said as he rubbed his stomach.

"Kyyyyyy.." Marshall dragged out from beside me. I turned to face him with a frown as he made puppy dog eyes at me. God those eyes and that face will me me do anything I swear.

"What so now I must make something to eat?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. You're foods the best Kylie." Proof said also pulling the face at me. Marshall and Proof looked so cute doing that. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

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